A comprehensive and straightforward Phoenix-app friendly Freshbooks API.
- Add Frex to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
{:frex, git: "[email protected]:littlelines/frex.git"}
- Ensure Frex is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:frex]]
Frex interfaces with the Freshbooks API. In order to integrate it with your application, you must set a few variables.
If you are running Frex inside of a Phoenix app, add the following to
your config/prod.secrets.exs
config :frex, freshbooks_oauth_consumer_key: "mycompanyname"
config :frex, freshbooks_oauth_consumer_secret: "<CONSUMER SECRET>"
You can find these values in your Freshbooks settings under "API" (Freshbooks requires you to apply a few days in advance, however).
Freshbooks still uses OAuth 1.0A, so you're going to have to create a flow for getting your users' keys.
# Set OAuth credentials.
credentials = %Frex.Credentials{oauth_token: "<OAUTH_TOKEN>", oauth_secret: "<OAUTH_SECRET>"}
# Make a request!
# => {:ok, %{business_phone: nil, city: nil, code: nil, country: nil,
# email: "[email protected]", fax: nil, first_name: "Ruby",
# home_phone: nil, last_login: "2016-06-03 06:28:40", last_name:
# "Rags", mobile_phone: nil, notes: nil, number_of_logins: "4",
# projects: nil, rate: nil, signup_date: "2016-06-02 06:01:18",
# staff_id: "1", state: nil, status: "ok", street1: nil, street2: nil,
# username: "[email protected]"}
# }
# One with filters!
Frex.Client.TimeEntries.list(creds, %{project_id: 9311})
# => ...
[%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-24", hours: "5.01",
notes: "Worked on Web Development", project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971",
task_id: "106512", time_entry_id: "10897"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-18", hours: "2.11",
notes: "Worked on Web Development", project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971",
task_id: "106512", time_entry_id: "10909"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-18", hours: "2", notes: "Meetings",
project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39978", task_id: "87593",
time_entry_id: "10951"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-16", hours: "1", notes: "Meeting",
project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971", task_id: "87593",
time_entry_id: "10912"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-11", hours: "1.01",
notes: "Worked on Web Development", project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971",
task_id: "106512", time_entry_id: "10919"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-09", hours: "5.11",
notes: "Worked on Web Development", project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971",
task_id: "106512", time_entry_id: "10916"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-06", hours: "1.47",
notes: "Worked on Web Development", project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971",
task_id: "106513", time_entry_id: "10926"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-05", hours: "4.22",
notes: "Worked on Web Development", project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971",
task_id: "106513", time_entry_id: "10927"},
%{billed: "1", date: "2016-05-03", hours: "4.03",
notes: "Worked on Web Development", project_id: "9311", staff_id: "39971",
task_id: "106512", time_entry_id: "10932"}]},
%{page: 1, pages: 2, total: 20, per_page: 10}}
- Full-featured Hex Docs -- Everything is meticulously documented for ease of use.
- Freshbooks API Docs everything you need to know when trying to figure out which arguments to put in a request.
- Receipts -- XML can't parse the response for some reason
- Email Templates -- Needs fake data for tests