This repository contains an example of a listing on Aave v2 Ethereum, including some useful helpers to test the protocol post-proposal execution.
- Proposal payload: LUSDListingPayload
- Listing tests: ValidationLUSDListing
- Aave v2 pool helpers: AaveV2Helpers
- Aave governance helpers: AaveGovHelpers
cp .env.example .env
make update
make build
make test
You can use the diffing utility to generate the diff between two contracts.
sh <pathA> <pathB> <outName>
If one of the contracts is deployed you can download the contract from etherscan via make download address=0x...
For a mainnet v2 listing you might want to diff the a/s/v implementations, with a standard implementation (like e.g. the ones of DAI) to ensure it's correct.
# LUSD vs DAI diff example
make download address=0x7b2a3cf972c3193f26cdec6217d27379b6417bd0 # aDAI impl
make download address=0xB2f4Fb41F01CdeF7c10F0e8aFbeB3cFA79d1686F # aLUSD impl
# generate aTokenDiff via
sh ./ ./etherscan/0x7b2a3cf972c3193f26cdec6217d27379b6417bd0 ./etherscan/0xB2f4Fb41F01CdeF7c10F0e8aFbeB3cFA79d1686F aLUSDimplDiff
# If the code is only available with flattened format you would need to bring the contracts in a similar format.
# You can do so by flattening the respective contract.
# In the example case of LUSD and DAI where both are verified via json this method should not be used.
forge flatten ./etherscan/0x7b2a3cf972c3193f26cdec6217d27379b6417bd0/AToken/@aave/protocol-v2/contracts/protocol/tokenization/AToken.sol --output ./etherscan/0x7b2a3cf972c3193f26cdec6217d27379b6417bd0/Flattened.sol