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Thin macro-based API for using FrankenUI in Clojure Electric. This library includes macro-based wrappers for components, modifiers, and other utilities and helpers.



First you have to setup your project to use Tailwind and Franken. Directions for installing Franken can be found here. For an example on how to do it in a Clojure codebase with shadow-cljs checkout the example directory. Your tailwind.config.js (if any) should look something like that:

const presetQuick = require("franken-ui/shadcn-ui/preset-quick");
const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')

module.exports = {
    // TODO: Replace this with your own compiled javascript files.
    content: ["./resources/public/electric_starter_app/js/**/*.js"],
    theme: {
        extend: {
            fontFamily: {
                sans: ["Inter var", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
    plugins: [
    presets: [presetQuick()]

Since Clojurescript will compile to lots of .js files it is possible that you'll have a slow build of your css files. An alternative approach is to copy the source code, since it's a simple single-namespaced library, into your own project, and configure tailwind.config.js to parse straight clj(s) code, using @multiplyco/tailwind-clj. This will reduce significantly your tailwind build times.

const presetQuick = require("franken-ui/shadcn-ui/preset-quick");
const defaultTheme = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
const {scanClojure} = require('@multiplyco/tailwind-clj');

module.exports = {
    // in prod look at shadow-cljs output file in dev look at runtime, which will change files that are actually compiled; postcss watch should be a whole lot faster
    content: {
        files: [
        extract: {
            clj: (content) => scanClojure(content),
            cljs: (content) => scanClojure(content),
            cljc: (content) => scanClojure(content)
    theme: {
        extend: {
            fontFamily: {
                sans: ["Inter var", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
    plugins: [
    presets: [presetQuick()]

electric-franken clojars

You can find the library on clojars.

Stack Overflow

Since it's a macro-based API, you might have Stack Overflow errors at compile time, trying to expand all those macros into, other macros etc. You can solve that by increasing the stack size of the JVM using -Xss4m.

For example in your deps.edn

:jvm-opts ["-Xss4m"]


This provides a very thin and practical API for use in Clojure electric, so anything in the official Franken docs applies.

A simple example followed by some explanation:

  (ui/Button (dom/text "Click to drop!"))
    (ui/drop {:mode    "click"
              :pos     "top-right"
              :stretch "x"})

      (ui/CardTitle (dom/text "Dropped!"))
      (dom/text "because you clicked."))))

Here, the use of capitalised macros like ui/Inline and ui/Button are the wrappers of the respective Franken components. ui/dropbar-top is a helper, that adds the class uk-dropbar-top to the encapsulating element, the ui/Dropbar. ui/drop adds the uk-drop attribute with the options set as in the map.


You can take a close look at the examples(which are WIP), and also run them locally:

cd examples
clj -A:dev -X dev/-main

and in another shell

npm run postcss:watch

You should be able to access them in your browser at localhost:8080.


It's very possible that I might have missed a component/modifier/directive wrapper. If so please feel free to contribute by adding anything missing. You should first read a little bit the source code in conjurernix.electric-franken.api so that you understand the idioms used and follow them.

I stopped recreating the examples from the Franken docs halfway through, but feel free to add more examples if you want. We'd also like to add some more dynamic examples than just putting elements on the DOM at some point.


  • Finish examples for all components and modifiers
  • Improve examples by having the preview of the example and the markup next to it (similar to Franken's docs).


Copyright © 2024 Nikolas Pafitis Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.


Thin Franken UI wrapper for Electric Clojure







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