This is a simple Cordova plugin to fix crashes on iPad when a user opens a HTML select control. The UIWebView does not always correclty handle the popover on iPad under certain scenarios. It uses a swizzle to extend UIViewControler's presentViewController method.
Here are a few examples of the crashes we've found:
Fatal Exception: NSRangeException -[UITableView _contentOffsetForScrollingToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:]: row (4) beyond bounds (0) for section (0).
Fatal Exception: NSGenericException UIPopoverPresentationController (<UIPopoverPresentationController: 0x15d0eda0>) should have a non-nil sourceView or barButtonItem set before the presentation occurs.
You can add the plugin to your Cordova project from this repository:
cordova plugin add
None! Just add the plugin and that’s it! The code is in an iOS Category which swizzle's itself in.