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Testkube docs

You can find the docs here:

How to edit the docs

System requirements:

If you're editing the docs, follow this workflow:

  1. Install dependencies with npm install
  2. Spin up local development with npm run start, add -- --port XXXX if you need to change the default port (3000)
  3. Update the docs inside the /docs folder
  4. Make sure to add the new document in the sidebar.json file:
  type: "category",
  label: "Concepts",
  items: [
      type: "category",
      label: "Tests",
      items: [
+       "concepts/new-concept"

Also make sure the documentation builds ok locally before opening a PR - this will check for broken links, etc.

npm run build
  1. You can preview the changes locally in your browser: http://localhost:3000

How to style the docs

Warning signs

If you want to add a warning/info message like the below, use Docusuarus Admonitions.

Warning signs

Code blocks title

If the content of the code blocks refers to a file, use Docusaurus Code Block title.

Code Block title





```js title="file.js"

Using Tabs

You can create tabs for structuring your content, for example as in the CLI Installation page.

Please note that headlines inside tab content will be shown in the navigation menu to the right, but will not work as direct links from external sources unless they are under the default/first tab.

Updating the OpenAPI Docs

These docs use redocusaurus to generate OpenAPI documentation, but since the Testkube OpenAPI definitions are too large (resulting in very long build/rendering times), there is a small script at src/scripts/split-openapis.ts that:

  • retrieves the OpenAPI definitions for both the agent and control plane APIs
  • splits them into smaller definitions into the src/openapi folder
  • generates corresponding mdx files into the docs/openapi folder
  • generates src/opeanpi/../redoc-sidebar.js files that are included into the main sidebar.js config to add the generated mdx files to the sidebar navigation
  • generates src/openapi/../redoc-specs.js files that are included into the docusaurus.config.js config to add the generated specs to the redocusaurs configuration

The script requires a GitHub Access Token to be provided in a TESTKUBE_OPENAPI_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable for retrieving the Control Plane OpenAPI definition from its private repo.

This script needs to be run every time the openapi definition is updated to regenerate the docs accordingly:

npm run split-openapis

Once run, the generated/updated files need to be committed back to the repo for the automated build to publish them.

Updating the CRD Reference Docs

CRD references docs at are generated from the corresponding GoLang types using a fork of the project, available at

The customized markdown templates are in this repositories src/crd-templates folder

Follow these steps:

  1. Clone/update the testkube-operator main branch to make sure you have the latest types available locally.
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Make sure you have go tooling installed and run go build in this repo, this should create a crd-ref-docs binary in the roof folder of the repo.
  4. Set the desired Kubernetes Version to use for outgoing links to reference docs in the config.yaml file (at least v1.28)
  5. Create a docs folder in the cloned repo and now run the following command (using the crd-ref-docs tool):
  --source-path=<path to testestkube-operator project> 

For example:

 ./crd-ref-docs --source-path=/Users/olensmar/GolandProjects/testkube-operator --config=config.yaml --renderer=markdown --output-path=./docs --output-mode=group --templates-dir=/Users/olensmar/WebstormProjects/testkube-docs/src/crd-templates
2024-08-05T11:44:21.019+0200    INFO    crd-ref-docs    Loading configuration   {"path": "config.yaml"}
2024-08-05T11:44:21.020+0200    INFO    crd-ref-docs    Processing source directory     {"directory": "/Users/olensmar/GolandProjects/testkube-operator", "depth": 10}
2024-08-05T11:44:22.717+0200    INFO    crd-ref-docs    Rendering output        {"path": "./docs"}
2024-08-05T11:44:22.790+0200    INFO    crd-ref-docs    CRD reference documentation generated
2024-08-05T11:44:22.790+0200    INFO    crd-ref-docs    Execution time: 1.770360541s

The docs folder should now contain the generated files:

➜  crd-ref-docs git:(master) ✗ ls -l docs
total 152
-rw-r--r-- 1 olensmar  8737 Aug  5 11:44
-rw-r--r-- 1 olensmar 45172 Aug  5 11:44
-rw-r--r-- 1 olensmar 10369 Aug  5 11:44
-rw-r--r-- 1 olensmar 19695 Aug  5 11:44
-rw-r--r-- 1 olensmar 60601 Aug  5 11:44
  1. Copy these files to the /docs/articles/crds folder in this repo
  2. Make sure the links and info in /docs/articles/ is correct and up to date
  3. Add the deprecation warning at the top of all files containing deprecated APIs:
import LegacyWarning from '../_legacy-warning.mdx';

<LegacyWarning />
  1. Create a branch, commit and create a PR

Updating the CLI Reference docs

The CLI docs are generated in the Testkube Repo by running

make docs

in the root folder and copying the generated files from the gen/docs/cli folder to the /cli folder in this repo (clear the folder first so old files are removed).

:::tip Make sure the generated docs build with npm run build ok before committing, and fix any errors manually as applicable. :::