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  • Research and test out ts/es and scss linting
  • Document how to set up linting and JetBrains configurations
  • Learn and apply typescript and scss
  • Practice vue class component with typescript
  • Practice CSS transitions and CSS em/rem units
  • Practice responsive typography with viewport units
  • Practice using Web Storage API
  • Research and apply standard conventions (BEM, typescript, vue, scss)
  • Create a personal website

IDE: JetBrains WebStorm Version: 2019.1

Project Setup

npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
Run your tests
npm run test
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Linting Setup (for new projects)

Following setups TS, ES, and SCSS linting

Install eslint via CLI (auto gens .eslintrc.js & .editorconfig)
$ vue add @vue/cli-plugin-eslint
  1. Run the command above
  2. Select Airbnb when asked Pick an ESLint config
  3. Select Lint on save when asked Pick additional lint features
Install stylelint (CSS linter):
1. Quick Installation - be at root dir
$ npm i -D stylelint stylelint-config-standard stylelint-config-recess-order stylelint-scss

$ touch .stylelintrc.json
2. Copy and paste into .stylelintrc.json
 "plugins": [
 "extends": [
 "rules": {
   "no-empty-source": null
  • styelint-scss: additional linting for scss specifically
  • stylelint-config-standard: extends general css linting
  • stylelint-config-recess-order: upon --fix auto reorders CSS property following RECESS rule
  • no-empty-source: to ignore empty <style></style> in .vue files

Stylelint a Directory (at root) and View Errors
$ stylelint "src/**/*.vue"
Stylelint and Fix (at root)
$ stylelint --fix "src/**/*.vue"

JetBrains IDE Linting Setup (after npm install)

Set stylelint for on the fly SCSS linting
  1. stylelint module is installed and .stylelintrc.json exists (follow prior instructions)
  2. Install IntelliJ Stylelint Plugin:
    • Preferences > Plugins
    • Go to Marketplace tab
    • On search bar, type stylelint and press enter
    • Install IntelliJ Stylelint Plugin
  3. Enable stylelinting:
    • Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Style Sheets > Stylelint
    • Click on enable box
    • Click OK
Set eslint for on the fly eslinting
  1. eslint module is installed and .eslintrc.js exists (follow prior instructions)
  2. Go to: Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Code Quality Tools > Eslint
  3. Click on Manual ESLint Configuration
  4. Click OK

JetBrains IDE Settings to adhere to vue style guideline

Remove auto indenting in newlines in <script> and <style> tag:
  1. Preferences > Editor > Code Style > HTML
  2. Go to Other tabs
  3. Under Do not indent children of: add style and script


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