kiali is a management console for Istio service mesh. Kiali can be quickly installed as an Istio add-on or integrated as a trusted component within a production environment.
First, check the Community section on, which provides a brief introduction on contributing, how to report issues and request features, and how to reach us.
For those interested in making code contributions, please also check the Contribution Guide.
The target audience of this README are developers. For those who are not developers but wish to learn more about Kiali, the Kiali documentation should be more helpful. For instructions on installing Kiali, please read the Installation page.
Read the RELEASING.adoc file.
Ensure the following tools are available:
Kiali releases are built with a specified minimum version of Go, as indicated in the Makefile. While Kiali may compile with other versions, using the version specified in the Makefile is recommended for consistent builds.
If using
, set the environment variableDORP=podman
NodeJS (Node.js >= 20 with the NPM command)
The GNU make (or a compatible alternative)
Once the required developer tools are available, the code can be obtained and built using the following script:
# Checkout the source code
mkdir kiali_sources
cd kiali_sources
export KIALI_SOURCES=$(pwd)
git clone
git clone
git clone
ln -s $KIALI_SOURCES/kiali-operator kiali/operator
# Build the back-end and run the tests
make build test
# Go test flags can be passed via the GO_TEST_FLAGS environment variable.
# make -e GO_TEST_FLAGS="-race -v -run=\"TestCanConnectToIstiodReachable\"" test
# Build the front-end and run the tests
make build-ui-test
The rest of this README assumes the directory tree created by the previous commands: |
-- kiali_sources |- kiali |- kiali-operator \- helm-charts
To use Kiali, a management console for Istio-based service meshes, an Istio-compatible service mesh is required. Istio meshes are installed on Kubernetes clusters.
We provide a few unsupported scripts that can help to get started. The scripts below are already in the Kiali Repository. Ensure that the correct path is being used to run the scripts without issues.
script allows creation of an OpenShift cluster on a local machine. -
For those familiar with minikube, the
script can be used. This script includes an option to install Dex, which is helpful for testing with OpenID. -
Alternatively, the
script can be used to create a single-node KinD cluster with MetalLB enabled, allowing Kiali to be tested in a real environment. -
Finally, the
scripts can assist in installing Istio and the Bookinfo sample application in the cluster, respectively. Trying to run these scripts without any arguments is also an option.
These scripts are written to rely on the minimum dependencies as possible and will try to download any required tools.
Based on the type of cluster in use, define the CLUSTER_TYPE
environment variable in the shell. Set it to openshift
(default if not specified), minikube
or kind
so the Makefiles can assist with additional operations. For other cluster types, set CLUSTER_TYPE=local
For minikube it is recommended to enable the registry and ingress add-ons, which can be configured by the script.
When using docker with Minikube’s registry add-on or any custom non-secure registry, ensure the Docker daemon is properly configured to use your registry.
Assuming the following conditions:
The back-end and front-end have been successfully built
A Kubernetes cluster with an Istio-based Service Mesh has been created
environment variable is not being used
The commands below will deploy a development build of Kiali to the cluster.
# Build the Kiali-server and Kiali-operator container images and push them to the cluster
make cluster-push
# To build and push only the Kiali-server container images:
# make cluster-push-kiali
# To build and push only the Kiali-operator container images:
# make cluster-push-operator
# Deploy the operator to the cluster
make operator-create
# Create a KialCR to instruct the operator to deploy Kiali
make kiali-create
When using the CLUSTER_TYPE=local
environment variable, additional environment variables must be declared to specify the container registry for pushing container images. The make container-push*
targets should be used instead of the cluster-push*
targets. For example, if the container registry is localhost:5000
export QUAY_NAME=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali
export CONTAINER_NAME=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali
export OPERATOR_QUAY_NAME=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali-operator
export OPERATOR_CONTAINER_NAME=localhost:5000/kiali/kiali-operator
# Build the Kiali-server and Kiali-operator container images and push them to the cluster
make container-build container-push
# To build and push only the Kiali-server container images:
# make container-build-kiali container-push-kiali-quay
# To build and push only the Kiali-operator container images:
# make container-build-operator container-push-operator-quay
# Deploy the operator to the cluster
make operator-create
# Create a KialCR to instruct the operator to deploy Kiali
make kiali-create
If Kiali is already installed and there is a need to recreate the Kiali server pod, the following command can be run:
make kiali-reload-image
This is intended to facilitate development. To quickly build a new Kiali container image and load it to the cluster, run the following command:
cd $KIALI_SOURCES/kiali/frontend
yarn && yarn build
make clean build cluster-push-kiali kiali-reload-image
No equivalent reload command exists for the operator. The operator must be manually reloaded using kubectl or oc commands.
# Delete the Kiali CR to let the operator remove Kiali.
make kiali-delete
# If the previous command fails to complete, the following command forces removal by bypassing the operator
# make kiali-purge
# Remove the operator
# NOTE: After this is completed, the `kiali-create` and `kiali-delete` targets will be ineffective
# Until the `operator-create` target is run to re-deploy the Kiali operator, execute the following command to delete the operator:
make operator-delete
When changing the back-end code of Kiali, ensure that the changes are properly formatted and no new linting issues are introduced before submitting a pull request by running:
# CD to the back-end source code
# Install linting tools
make lint-install
# Format the code and run linters
make format lint
Kiali itself is instrumented with opentelemetry tracing to help provide insights and surface performance issues for the kiali server. To enable, set the server.observability.tracing.enabled
and server.observability.tracing.collector_url
configuration options.
kind: Kiali
name: kiali
collector_url: http://jaeger-collector.istio-system:14268/api/traces
enabled: true
For debugging purposes, running Kiali outside of a cluster environment may be desired. To do this, use the script in the
hack directory. Check the --help
output for available options.
By default, the script uses the configuration template file located in the same directory it uses, and can be found in the config template file
also located in the hack
directory. For additional information, refer to the comments at the top of both files.
cd $KIALI_SOURCES/kiali/hack
There are two sets of integration tests. The first are backend tests that test the Kiali API directly. These can be found at backend tests. The second are frontend Cypress tests that test Kiali through the browser. These can be found at frontend tests.
Both tests are executed as part of the CI pipeline. To run these tests locally, the script can be used to setup a local environment and execute the integration tests. Alternatively, the tests can be run against any live environment that meets the following requirements.
Requirements: - Istio - Kiali - bookinfo demo app - error rates demo app
This script can be used install all necessary demo applications for testing and supports deployments on both Openshift and non-Openshift enviroments.
# For frontend development, start the frontend development server, where `<kiali-url>` is the URL to the base Kiali UI location, such as `http://localhost:20001/kiali`:
make -e YARN_START_URL=http://<kiali-url> yarn-start
# Start the cypress tests. The tests will run against the frontend development server by default.
# Alternatively, a custom URL can be provided using environment variables:
# make -e CYPRESS_BASE_URL=http://<kiali-url> cypress-gui
make cypress-gui
Note that make cypress-gui
runs the Cypress GUI, enabling the selection of individual tests to run. To execute the entire test suite in headless mode, use the cypress-run
target instead.
For VisualStudio Code, install the following launcher.json
to launch the Kiali Server in the debugger. First, run the hack/
script first to ensure that required services, such as Prometheus port-forward proxy, are running.
// To use this, first run "hack/ --tmp-root-dir $HOME/tmp --enable-server false"
// Pass in --help to that hack script for details on more options.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Kiali to use hack script services",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "debug",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/kiali.go",
"cwd": "${env:HOME}/tmp/run-kiali",
"args": ["-config", "${env:HOME}/tmp/run-kiali/run-kiali-config.yaml"],
"env": {
"LOG_LEVEL": "trace"
The Kiali GUI can be debugged directly in Google Chrome using Chrome Developer Tools or within Visual Studio Code.
To use either, some initial steps are required.
First, start the Kiali Server backend, either within a cluster or by using the
script as previously explained. Before proceeding, determine the Kiali URL. For example, when Kiali is run in Minikube with a port-forward set up to expose it, the URL to note will be`http://localhost:20001/kiali`.
Next, run the GUI frontend using the following command: make -e YARN_START_URL=<kiali-url> yarn-start
where <kiali-url>
is the URL determined in the previous step. Additionally, if needed, pass -e PORT=3001
to override the default port 3000
, which may conflict with Grafana if the Kiali Server was started using
. Some examples:
If the Kiali Server is running in minikube with a port-forward exposing it, then run
make -e YARN_START_URL=http://localhost:20001/kiali yarn-start
. -
If the Kiali Server is running in OpenShift with the usual Kiali Route exposing it, then run
make -e YARN_START_URL=https://<Kiali-OpenShift-Route-IP>/ yarn-start
. -
If the Kiali Server is running locally via
, then runmake -e YARN_START_URL=http://localhost:20001/kiali -e PORT=3001 yarn-start
The yarn-start
make command will start the Kiali GUI frontend on a local endpoint. Once ready, check the output for the "Local" URL to access it. The output will resemble the following:
Compiled successfully!
The @kiali/kiali-ui can now be viewed in the browser.
Local: http://localhost:3001
On Your Network:
At this point, the debugger tool of choice can be set up - refer to the following sections for details.
Start Google Chrome and point the browser to the local URL for the Kiali GUI frontend started by yarn-start (in the example above, that will be http://localhost:3001
In Google Chrome, open the Developer Tools. Press F12
or Control-Shift-I
to do this.
Within the Developer Tools, navigate to the Sources
tab, then the Filesystem
sub-tab, and press the + Add folder to workspace
link. In the file selection dialog, select the Kiali frontend/src
folder. This will inform Developer Tools where the Kiali GUI frontend source code can be found.
At this point, Google Chrome requires permission to access the local source code folder. A prompt will appear at the top of the browser window - click the "Allow" button to grant Chrome the necessary permissions.
The Kiali Server frontend is now ready for debugging. Breakpoints can be set, variables inspected, stack traces examined, and other typical debugging actions can be performed. ==== VisualStudio Code
For VisualStudio Code, the following launcher.json
can be installed to launch Google Chrome for debugging the Kiali Server GUI frontend. The url
setting should correspond to the local URL of the yarn-start server - ensuring the correct URL is used for the specific environment.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Chrome",
"type": "chrome",
"request": "launch",
"url": "http://localhost:3001",
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
Many configuration settings can optionally be set within the Kiali Operator custom resource (CR) file. See this example Kiali CR file that has all the configuration settings documented.
To embed Kiali in other applications, Kiali provides a feature called Kiosk mode. In this mode, the main header and navigation bar are not displayed.
To enable Kiosk mode, simply add a kiosk=<platform_id>
URL parameter. The full path of the page to be embedded must be used. For example, if Kiali is accessed via HTTPS:
To embed the Overview page, use
. -
To embed the Graph page, use
. -
To embed the Applications list page, use
If the page to be embedded includes other URL arguments, any of them can be specified to preset options. For example, to embed the graph of the bookinfo namespace, use the following URL: http://kiali_path/graph/namespaces?namespaces=bookinfo&kiosk=console
value in the kiosk
URL parameter will be used in future use cases to add conditional logic on embedded use cases, for now, any non empty value will enable the kiosk mode.
If Grafana is installed in a custom manner that Kiali cannot automatically detect, the value of grafana > url in the Kiali CR must be updated.
kind: Kiali
name: kiali
Frontend development guidelines (styles, i18n, etc.) can be found here
The Kiali project will periodically upgrade to a newer version of Go. These are the steps that need to be performed in order for the Kiali build to use a different version of Go:
go mod edit -go=x.y
where "x" and "y" are the major/minor versions of the Go version being used. -
go mod tidy -v
make clean build build-ui test
to ensure everything builds correctly. If any problems occur, fix them. -
Commit the changes to the working branch, create a PR, and make sure everything builds and works before merging the PR.
The Makefile and some Github Actions will check the go version from the go.mod file.
Launch command
npx npm-check-updates -t latest -f '/^@patternfly/'
yarn install
to update the yarn.lock -
Add to the commit package.json and yarn.lock
When developing the Kiali UI running it outside of the cluster can be helpful for easily updating the UI code and viewing changes without needing to re-deploy. The preferred method for this is to use React’s proxy feature, as outlined here. Alternatively, the make -e YARN_START_URL=<url> yarn-start
command can be used, where <url>
points to the Kiali backend.
In the provided OpenShift templates, SSL is enabled by default. To disable it, the following steps should be taken:
Remove the "tls: termination: reencrypt" option from the Kiali route
Remove the "identity" block, with certificate paths, from the Kiali Config Map.
Optionally, the annotation "" can be removed from the Kiali Service, along with the related
volume declared and mounted in Kiali Deployment. However, if not removed, these will simply be ignored.
The operator will create a Route or Ingress by default (see the Kiali CR setting "deployment.ingress_enabled"). To expose Kiali via Istio, Gateway, Virtual Service, and Destination Rule resources can be created, as shown below:
kind: Gateway
name: kiali-gateway
namespace: istio-system
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http-kiali
protocol: HTTP
httpsRedirect: false
hosts: [<your-host>]
- port:
number: 443
name: https-kiali
protocol: HTTPS
tls: {}
hosts: [<your-host>]
kind: VirtualService
name: kiali-virtualservice
namespace: istio-system
- kiali-gateway
hosts: [<your-host>]
- route:
- destination:
host: kiali.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
number: 20001
weight: 100
kind: DestinationRule
name: kiali-destinationrule
namespace: istio-system
host: kiali
The "Central IstioD" setup is currently named "Primary-remote" multi-cluster setup. |
When this support was incorporated into Kiali, the "Central IstioD" setup of Istio was in an early development phase. These instructions are probably now broken. |
There are certain use cases where Kiali needs to be deployed in one cluster (Control Plane) and observe a different cluster (Data Plane).
Follow these steps:
1: Have the Istio with an External Control Plane setup running
2: Create the Kiali ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, and ServiceAccount in the Data Plane cluster
3: Create a remote secret in the Control Plane, using the Data Plane ServiceAccount that was just created. This allows the Control Plane to read from and modify the Data Plane
istioctl create-remote-secret --service-account kiali-service-account --context=$DataPlane --name kiali | kubectl apply -n istio-system --context=$ControlPlane -f -
4: Kiali will now run in the Control Plane. The remote secret must be added to the Kiali Deployment by specifying a Volume and VolumeMount. When Kiali detects /kiali-remote-secret/kiali it will use the remote cluster’s API server instead of the local API server
- volumeMounts:
- mountPath: /kiali-remote-secret
name: kiali-remote-secret
- name: kiali-remote-secret
defaultMode: 420
optional: true
secretName: istio-remote-secret-kiali
5: Kiali now requires Istio metrics from the sidecars. Prometheus must be run in the Control Plane and configured to scrape the metrics from an envoyMetricsService. These metrics are required.
6: Kiali in the Control Plane should now be fully functional with the Data Plane