Provide some functions to manipulate images
- Resize image
- Set background color for image
- Create bigger image with old image in the center
- Convert image to the other type
- Dependencies: imagemagick, webp
- PSR-4 compatible.
- Compatible with PHP >= PHP 7.
You can download image-service through
image-service requires the Multibyte String extension and the Imagick extension from PHP.
Typically you can use the configure option
while compiling PHP to have the Multibyte String extension. More information can be found in the PHP documentation. -
Imagick is a native php extension to create and modify images using the ImageMagick API. More information can be found in the PHP documentation.
- Resize image:
use Kennynguyeenx\ImageService\ImageService;
try {
$imageService = new ImageService();
$imageService->manipulateImage($imageUrl, $options, $outputImagePath, $outputFormat);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$options should consist these keys: width (width of new image), height (height of new image), background (background color of new image if using canvas)
I created a file to run in console to manipulate images as an example of using this class
It's located at bin directory with name manipulate_image.php
You can follow these steps to resize and convert image to the other type:
- Save a image under the folder that you want. For me, i save it under images/source folder as example_image.png
- This image have size is 300x300. We will try to resize it to 200x200 and convert it from png to gif. We can run this command:
$ php ./bin/manipulate_image.php ./images/source/example_image.png 200x200_ ./images/destination/updated_image.png gif
- This is the result: