docker pull kenjones/cookiecutter
docker run \
--rm -it \
-v $(pwd):/mnt \
kenjones/cookiecutter \
--output-dir /mnt
docker pull kenjones/cookiecutter
docker run \
--rm -it \
-v $(pwd):/mnt \
kenjones/cookiecutter \
--config-file /mnt/myapp.yaml \
--no-input \
--output-dir /mnt
Option Name | Default Value | Notes |
language | golang | Supported languages: "golang", "java", "bash", "none" |
prj_name | cicdtest | Name of the project within source control |
org_name | ccdev | Name or org/group the project resides within source control |
product_name | Task Tracker | Display Name of component used in documentation |
version | 0.1.0 | Initial version |
image_org | | Container Registry and Organization Name (use_image = "y") |
binary_name | task-tracker-server | Name of built/compiled artifact (language = "golang" and use_builder = "y") |
binary_pkg | cmd/task-tracker-server | Path in project where main entry point is located (language = "golang" and use_builder = "y") |
use_image | y | Flag to indicate if project is published as Docker image |
use_builder | y | Flag to indicate if compiled as binary or archived (ex. jar, war, gzip, etc.) |
use_codegen | y | Flag to indicate if project generates from spec (ex. API spec to code) |
use_docgen | y | Flag to indicate if project generates docs from code |
A project can provide inputs using a yaml
configuration file.
language: golang
prj_name: cnmte
org_name: ccdev
product_name: Cloud Native Manager TOSCA Engine
version: 0.9.0
binary_name: cnmte-server
binary_pkg: cmd/cnmte-server
use_image: y
use_builder: y
use_codegen: y
use_docgen: y
File Name | Notes |
bash-app.yaml | Generates a bash application project |
bash-lib.yaml | Generates a bash library project |
go-apiclient.yaml | Generates a Go API Client project |
go-apiserver-client.yaml | Generates a Go API Server and Client project |
go-apiserver.yaml | Generates a Go API Server project |
go-cliapp.yaml | Generates a Go cli project |
go-lib.yaml | Generates a Go lib project |
java-apiserver.yaml | Generates a Java API Server project |
none.yaml | Generates a generic project |
Currently supported:
- golang
- java
- bash
- none
The none
lanaguage will provide a basic project structure that is language agnostic.