Analysis of Online Reviews of Emergency apps using NLP and Technology Acceptance Models (TAM).
Project implementation can be found in following notebooks
- Task 1,2 - DataExtractionAndTranslation
- Task 3,4- Sentiment_Analysis
- Task 5 - LdaTopicModeling
- Task 6 - MachineLearningWithSentiments
- Task 7 - Technology Acceptance Model
CSV and other output files that generated during the process can be found in the data
Following Packages need to be installed prior running scripts
- numpy
- pandas
- google_play_scraper
- app_store_scraper
- deep-translator
- gensim==3.8.3
- spacy
- nltk
- pyLDAvis
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- vaderSentiment
- fuzzywuzzy
- matplotlib
Install all the libraries by running the requirements.txt
file. Use the following command for that.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the DataExtractionAndTranslation & LdaTopicModeling use google co labs