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Added tasks 3142-3149
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javadev authored May 15, 2024
1 parent b6e09cb commit 7bf0473
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package g3101_3200.s3142_check_if_grid_satisfies_conditions;

// #Easy #Array #Matrix #2024_05_15_Time_1_ms_(95.76%)_Space_44.4_MB_(59.70%)

public class Solution {
public boolean satisfiesConditions(int[][] grid) {
int m = grid.length;
int n = grid[0].length;
for (int i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) {
if (n > 1) {
for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
if ((grid[i][j] != grid[i + 1][j]) || (grid[i][j] == grid[i][j + 1])) {
return false;
} else {
if (grid[i][0] != grid[i + 1][0]) {
return false;
for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++) {
if (grid[m - 1][j] == grid[m - 1][j + 1]) {
return false;
return true;
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3142\. Check if Grid Satisfies Conditions


You are given a 2D matrix `grid` of size `m x n`. You need to check if each cell `grid[i][j]` is:

* Equal to the cell below it, i.e. `grid[i][j] == grid[i + 1][j]` (if it exists).
* Different from the cell to its right, i.e. `grid[i][j] != grid[i][j + 1]` (if it exists).

Return `true` if **all** the cells satisfy these conditions, otherwise, return `false`.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** grid = [[1,0,2],[1,0,2]]

**Output:** true



All the cells in the grid satisfy the conditions.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** grid = [[1,1,1],[0,0,0]]

**Output:** false



All cells in the first row are equal.

**Example 3:**

**Input:** grid = [[1],[2],[3]]

**Output:** false



Cells in the first column have different values.


* `1 <= n, m <= 10`
* `0 <= grid[i][j] <= 9`
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package g3101_3200.s3143_maximum_points_inside_the_square;

// #Medium #Array #String #Hash_Table #Sorting #Binary_Search
// #2024_05_15_Time_2_ms_(100.00%)_Space_100.1_MB_(61.27%)

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Solution {
public int maxPointsInsideSquare(int[][] points, String s) {
int[] tags = new int[26];
Arrays.fill(tags, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
int secondMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
int dist = Math.max(Math.abs(points[i][0]), Math.abs(points[i][1]));
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (tags[c - 'a'] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
tags[c - 'a'] = dist;
} else if (dist < tags[c - 'a']) {
secondMin = Math.min(secondMin, tags[c - 'a']);
tags[c - 'a'] = dist;
} else {
secondMin = Math.min(secondMin, dist);
int count = 0;
for (int dist : tags) {
if (dist < secondMin) {
return count;
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3143\. Maximum Points Inside the Square


You are given a 2D array `points` and a string `s` where, `points[i]` represents the coordinates of point `i`, and `s[i]` represents the **tag** of point `i`.

A **valid** square is a square centered at the origin `(0, 0)`, has edges parallel to the axes, and **does not** contain two points with the same tag.

Return the **maximum** number of points contained in a **valid** square.


* A point is considered to be inside the square if it lies on or within the square's boundaries.
* The side length of the square can be zero.

**Example 1:**


**Input:** points = [[2,2],[-1,-2],[-4,4],[-3,1],[3,-3]], s = "abdca"

**Output:** 2


The square of side length 4 covers two points `points[0]` and `points[1]`.

**Example 2:**


**Input:** points = [[1,1],[-2,-2],[-2,2]], s = "abb"

**Output:** 1


The square of side length 2 covers one point, which is `points[0]`.

**Example 3:**

**Input:** points = [[1,1],[-1,-1],[2,-2]], s = "ccd"

**Output:** 0


It's impossible to make any valid squares centered at the origin such that it covers only one point among `points[0]` and `points[1]`.


* <code>1 <= s.length, points.length <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
* `points[i].length == 2`
* <code>-10<sup>9</sup> <= points[i][0], points[i][1] <= 10<sup>9</sup></code>
* `s.length == points.length`
* `points` consists of distinct coordinates.
* `s` consists only of lowercase English letters.
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package g3101_3200.s3144_minimum_substring_partition_of_equal_character_frequency;

// #Medium #String #Hash_Table #Dynamic_Programming #Counting
// #2024_05_15_Time_37_ms_(100.00%)_Space_44.9_MB_(72.95%)

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Solution {
public int minimumSubstringsInPartition(String s) {
char[] cs = s.toCharArray();
int n = cs.length;
int[] dp = new int[n + 1];
Arrays.fill(dp, n);
dp[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
int[] count = new int[26];
int distinct = 0;
int maxCount = 0;
for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
int index = cs[j] - 'a';
if (++count[index] == 1) {
if (count[index] > maxCount) {
maxCount = count[index];
if (maxCount * distinct == i - j) {
dp[i] = Math.min(dp[i], dp[j] + 1);
return dp[n];
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3144\. Minimum Substring Partition of Equal Character Frequency


Given a string `s`, you need to partition it into one or more **balanced** substrings. For example, if `s == "ababcc"` then `("abab", "c", "c")`, `("ab", "abc", "c")`, and `("ababcc")` are all valid partitions, but <code>("a", **"bab"**, "cc")</code>, <code>(**"aba"**, "bc", "c")</code>, and <code>("ab", **"abcc"**)</code> are not. The unbalanced substrings are bolded.

Return the **minimum** number of substrings that you can partition `s` into.

**Note:** A **balanced** string is a string where each character in the string occurs the same number of times.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** s = "fabccddg"

**Output:** 3


We can partition the string `s` into 3 substrings in one of the following ways: `("fab, "ccdd", "g")`, or `("fabc", "cd", "dg")`.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** s = "abababaccddb"

**Output:** 2


We can partition the string `s` into 2 substrings like so: `("abab", "abaccddb")`.


* `1 <= s.length <= 1000`
* `s` consists only of English lowercase letters.
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package g3101_3200.s3145_find_products_of_elements_of_big_array;

// #Hard #Array #Binary_Search #Bit_Manipulation
// #2024_05_15_Time_3_ms_(98.41%)_Space_44.5_MB_(96.83%)

public class Solution {
public int[] findProductsOfElements(long[][] queries) {
int[] ans = new int[queries.length];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
long[] q = queries[i];
long er = sumE(q[1] + 1);
long el = sumE(q[0]);
ans[i] = pow(2, er - el, q[2]);
return ans;

private long sumE(long k) {
long res = 0;
long n = 0;
long cnt1 = 0;
long sumI = 0;
for (long i = 63L - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(k + 1); i > 0; i--) {
long c = (cnt1 << i) + (i << (i - 1));
if (c <= k) {
k -= c;
res += (sumI << i) + ((i * (i - 1) / 2) << (i - 1));
sumI += i;
n |= 1L << i;
if (cnt1 <= k) {
k -= cnt1;
res += sumI;
while (k-- > 0) {
res += Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(n);
n &= n - 1;
return res;

private int pow(long x, long n, long mod) {
long res = 1 % mod;
for (; n > 0; n /= 2) {
if (n % 2 == 1) {
res = (res * x) % mod;
x = (x * x) % mod;
return (int) res;
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3145\. Find Products of Elements of Big Array


A **powerful array** for an integer `x` is the shortest sorted array of powers of two that sum up to `x`. For example, the powerful array for 11 is `[1, 2, 8]`.

The array `big_nums` is created by concatenating the **powerful** arrays for every positive integer `i` in ascending order: 1, 2, 3, and so forth. Thus, `big_nums` starts as <code>[<ins>1</ins>, <ins>2</ins>, <ins>1, 2</ins>, <ins>4</ins>, <ins>1, 4</ins>, <ins>2, 4</ins>, <ins>1, 2, 4</ins>, <ins>8</ins>, ...]</code>.

You are given a 2D integer matrix `queries`, where for <code>queries[i] = [from<sub>i</sub>, to<sub>i</sub>, mod<sub>i</sub>]</code> you should calculate <code>(big_nums[from<sub>i</sub>] * big_nums[from<sub>i</sub> + 1] * ... * big_nums[to<sub>i</sub>]) % mod<sub>i</sub></code>.

Return an integer array `answer` such that `answer[i]` is the answer to the <code>i<sup>th</sup></code> query.

**Example 1:**

**Input:** queries = [[1,3,7]]

**Output:** [4]


There is one query.

`big_nums[1..3] = [2,1,2]`. The product of them is 4. The remainder of 4 under 7 is 4.

**Example 2:**

**Input:** queries = [[2,5,3],[7,7,4]]

**Output:** [2,2]


There are two queries.

First query: `big_nums[2..5] = [1,2,4,1]`. The product of them is 8. The remainder of 8 under 3 is 2.

Second query: `big_nums[7] = 2`. The remainder of 2 under 4 is 2.


* `1 <= queries.length <= 500`
* `queries[i].length == 3`
* <code>0 <= queries[i][0] <= queries[i][1] <= 10<sup>15</sup></code>
* <code>1 <= queries[i][2] <= 10<sup>5</sup></code>
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package g3101_3200.s3146_permutation_difference_between_two_strings;

// #Easy #String #Hash_Table #2024_05_15_Time_1_ms_(100.00%)_Space_42.4_MB_(84.38%)

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Solution {
public int findPermutationDifference(String s, String t) {
int[] res = new int[26];
Arrays.fill(res, -1);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
res[s.charAt(i) - 'a'] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < t.length(); ++i) {
sum += Math.abs(res[t.charAt(i) - 'a'] - i);
return sum;

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