Bag1, Bag2, Bag3 are meaningless. They were hardcoded for ease of work and can be changed in gui/ In my case they looked like this:
GUI create several noised paths from one path(i.e. add noise to odom topics)
git clone https://gitlab.iavgroup.local/mzhobro/ros_noisifier.git
cd ros_noisifier
# run with
python gui/
Firstly choose the bag, nr of noised paths and topic you want to noisify:
Than dynamically add noise to the paths
Make sure to have the following installed
- PyQt 5
- PyQt 5 Designer
- PyQt 5 dev tools
To edit the interface, open layout.ui
in for example Qt 5 Designer:
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/designer layout.ui
Once all the changes are saved, run the following command
pyuic5 -x layout.ui -o
This will auto-generate all interface elements in Python code. The class it creates, Ui_MainWindow
, is then imported and inherited by the main class in
Simply run
. All the logic happens in that file.