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Fortran bindings to c-vector. Modified to the extreme for Fortran use only.


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Fortran bindings to c-vector. Modified to the extreme for Fortran use only.

You can C the original code here:

This has been modified, to the extreme with, quite literally, only Fortran in mind.

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Allows extremely high performance ultra generic implementation of dynamic arrays (vectors) in Fortran.

Works with any data type, primitives, pointers, and derived types (with pointers as well). I would be careful with allocatable though.

You can simply use a regular stack variable and sent it in using push_back. It will be copied into the vector. This allows high performance reusage of stack variables.

Add to your project:

fortran_vector = { git = "" }


Here is an example where we shuffle through 32 GB of memory:

module my_cool_module
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none

  !* An example data type you can use.
  type :: some_data
    integer(c_int) :: a_number
    character(64) :: a_fixed_length_string
    character(len = :, kind = c_char), pointer :: a_pointer_string => null()
  end type some_data

  !* Allows you to call some_data() when getting the size.
  interface some_data
    module procedure :: new_some_data
  end interface some_data


  !* A very explicit constructor.
  function new_some_data() result(output)
    implicit none
    type(some_data) :: output
  end function new_some_data

  !* If your type uses pointers, I suggest you give your vector a GC.
  !* The raw_c_pointer is the element in the array. You will be getting it
  !* right before it is freed from C memory.
  !* Here is an example using our some_data type.
  subroutine example_gc_func(raw_c_pointer)
    implicit none

    type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: raw_c_pointer
    type(some_data), pointer :: dat

    call c_f_pointer(raw_c_pointer, dat)

  end subroutine example_gc_func

end module my_cool_module

!* Now, let us move onto the actual program.
program example
  use :: my_cool_module
  use :: vector
  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none

  type(some_data) :: dat
  type(vec) :: v
  type(c_ptr) :: generic_c_ptr
  integer(c_int) :: i, y
  integer(c_size_t) :: j
  type(some_data), pointer :: output
  logical(c_bool) :: t

  t = .true.

  !* We are going to shovel through 100 million items over the course of this. 32 GB of data.
  do y = 1,10

    !* I thought this would be entertaining.
    if (t) then
    end if
    t = .not. t

    !* Our vector shall start off with a capacity of 0.
    !* This creates the underlying C memory.
    !* If you know your data size and it never changes, you can use a literal number here.
    v = new_vec(sizeof(dat), int(0, c_size_t), example_gc_func)

    !* Let us push 10 million items into the vector.
    do i = 1,10000000
      dat%a_number = i
      dat%a_fixed_length_string = "I'm memcpy'd straight into the vector!"

      !! Notice I am giving the pointer a new memory address!
      !! If you do not do this, you are going to double free an address in your GC. :)
      allocate(character(35) :: dat%a_pointer_string)

      !* I thought this would also be entertaining.
      t = .not. t
      if (t) then
        dat%a_pointer_string = "check it, I'm a fortran pointer 8)"
        dat%a_pointer_string = "also I'm a fortran pointer! :D"
      end if

      !* Push that thing to the end of the list.
      !* This uses memcpy under the hood, your element can just be a target as shown!
      call v%push_back(dat)
    end do

    !* Let us just pop 10k items off the stack for no reason.
    do i = 1,10000
      call v%pop_back()
    end do

    !* Now let us get the elements.
    !* You can see we can iterate based on the size of the vector.
    do j = 1,v%size()
      generic_c_ptr = v%at(int(j, c_size_t))
      call c_f_pointer(generic_c_ptr, output)

      !* Add in an extra assertion for double check in this example.
      if (output%a_number /= j) then
        error stop
      end if

      !? Printing is very slow due to terminal syncronization.
      ! print*,output%a_number, output%a_fixed_length_string, output%a_pointer_string
    end do

    !* Now let us just shove something in the middle.
    !! Notice I am giving the pointer a new memory address!
    !! If you do not do this, you are going to double free an address in your GC. :)
    !? Also, notice: Due to the sheer size of this list, this is very slow.
    allocate(character(3) :: dat%a_pointer_string)
    dat%a_pointer_string = "yep"
    call v%insert(23451_8, dat)

    !* Now let us delete the first 10 items.
    !* With a list this HUGE this is very slow!
    !* We literally have to memmove the items down, byte by byte.
    !? In the future: I hope to optimize this so you can do it in one huge chunk.
    do i = 1,10
      call v%erase(1_8)
    end do

    !* This not only calls the GC on all of our elements (if you gave it one),
    !* It also destroys the underlying C memory.
    call v%destroy()

    !* Now we go again.
  end do

end program example


Fortran bindings to c-vector. Modified to the extreme for Fortran use only.








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