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My Portfolio


  • I originally built this site in vanilla HTML, CSS and JS. As the project expanded it became harder to edit, so I decided to use React and Vite with Tailwind CSS. Later I migrated it to Astro in order to add some new features(see below).
  • Generated shades for the colour scheme based on my favourite blue, Yves Klein Blue(#002FA7), plain black and white and orangepeel (#FFA630).
  • Redesigned my old portfolio in Figma. Using the "" plugin proved to be very helpful. Whilst this was probably a bit overkill for this project, this could be a good workflow for other projects.
  • Thought about the components that make up my website - this was useful for helping the move to React.

Building and Debugging

  • Bootstrapped with React + Vite
  • Imported the Html from my old portfolio, this involved splitting the code into JSX files for React. This was one of the main reasons for switching to React - being able to have easily editable components like the footer and header, rather than repeating them on every page.
  • Changed the colour scheme to reflect my favourite blue (#002FA7), calling it ykb within tailwind.config.js.
  • While building the coding section, I realised that I could use a map function to generate elements and avoid having to write everything out by hand. This will allow me to easily add any future projects.
  • I originally started with screenshots of both mobile and desktop, but this felt a bit plain so i decided to make a phone mockup using photoshop and Facebook design resources.
  • I realised that images weren't loading properly for my production build, so I put them in public as per the (Vite documentation)[].
  • I fixed layout issues using border-2 border-black for Tailwind CSS and console.log("test") for JSX.
  • I took each page and component at a time
    • this helped speed up my workflow, as I could easily debug each one at a time and remain focussed.
  • I ran Google Lighthouse to check accessibility. While I was happy with the scores (100, 85, 100, 91), I realised there was more I could be doing for accessibility so I added meta description and increased the maximum scale to 5 in my 'index.html' according to the reccommendations.
  • Further to this, I ran Axe developer tools in my developer tools section and was advised to remove: "maximum-scale=5, user-scalable=no" from the 'index.html' file because it does not support accessibility for people with low vision who need magnification to see the content.
  • Set font to Neue Haas Unica, a typeface by one of my favourite type designers, Toshi Omagari. The easiest way to set this was changing the default fonts in tailwind.config.js., and set font-face in index.css.

Moving to Astro

  • In late February 2024, I decided I wanted to migrate the site, in React, Vite and Tailwind CSS, to Astro. It took me a relatively short amount of time to edit my codebase and I was very happy with the result.
  • I wanted to do this because it would allow me to easily add a blog to my site, and tinker with different frameworks such as Svelte and Vue within one project.
  • I had some problems using Font Awesome icons in Astro, so I decided to use SVGs instead, from FreeCodeCamp and Iconify.


  • One of the advantages of moving to Astro was that I could use Markdown files to make a blog. I followed the tutorial in the Astro Docs to get the basics down. This tutorial was really helpful, teaching me about YAML Frontmatter, Astro props and how to setup RSS.
  • Added the tailwindcss-typography plugin to allow me to use the prose class to style md content. This adds spaces between lines and makes big blocks of text easier to read.

Other Improvements

  • Added the Astro JS Sitemap plugin to improve SEO by generating a sitemap xml.
  • Following some user feedback, I added labels to the icons for my tech stack on the main page.


  • Following user feedback, I wanted to make the site look more professional so I decided to implement some changes based on the Material Design guidelines. In particular, the guidelines on navigation bars.

    • reduced navigation bar to 4 items instead of 6 and made smaller.
    • Made footer not sticky
    • Added a ykb dark and ykb light colour to the tailwind config so i have more options, basically lighter and darker shades of the original blue colour which I can use across the site.
    • Edited the design of the header, following Material Design for the mobile header.
  • Moved the contact form to the site's footer to encourage people to get in touch and reduce the number of pages that the site has.

  • It then made sense to add the social icon links to the bottom right of the footer, rather than in the header. This made the mobile header much sleeker.

  • I noticed an issue sorting blogposts by date, so I remedied this by converting the pubdate strings to a date object, then using getTime to get the time since January 1, 1970 in milliseconds, which could be used for sorting.

  • redesigned coding page with material design guidelines in mind.

  • Added screenshots to the coding page (MDPI Laptop and Pixel 5 Android 11 size).

  • Changed font to Real Text Pro.

  • edited design of contact page to look more material design.

  • I wanted to add some animations to the site, so I used Astro transitions. This couldn't have been simpler, as I added import { ViewTransitions } from 'astro:transitions'; and <ViewTransitions /> to my layout files, adding a transition between pages.

  • Added analytics with Umami.

  • Standardised colours across the site:

    • neutral-900 instead of (dark) gray or black
    • neutral-100 instead of white
    • neutral-300 instead of (light) gray
  • Added better descriptions of each of my coding projects.

  • From following Hacker News, I came across this method to add an infinite scroll. I immediately thought that something similar would look good to show the tech I used. As I wasn't using the tech stack component I did have, I redesigned it to make it look more like the rest of the coding page and then added the animations with Tailwind CSS.


All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI