Configuration reload with etcd, security storage with vault!
- Simple API for use
- Used as a library
- Care about updates of configuration
- Support Auto-Reload method
go get -u -v
used with environment variables
# env var
# the configuration path
export CONFL_CONF_PATH=/path/to/configuration
# etcd cluster
# etcd cluster addresses
# security connection
export CONFL_ETCD_CERT=/path/to/cert
export CONFL_ETCD_KEY=/path/to/key
export CONFL_ETCD_CACERT=/path/to/cacert
# etcd username/password for auth
export CONFL_ETCD_USERNAME=username
export CONFL_ETCD_PASSWORD=password
# vault var
# type of auth one in (app-id, token, github, userpass)
export CONFL_VAULT_ADDRESS=http://localhost:8200
# case app-id
# this is more useful for micro services
# every micro service can be given a app_id to distinguish between identities
export CONFL_VAULT_APP_ID=app_id
export CONFL_VAULT_USER_ID=user_id
# case userpass
# auth with username/password
export CONFL_VAULT_USERNAME=username
export CONFL_VAULT_PASSWORD=password
# case token or github
export CONFL_VAULT_TOKEN=some token
# security connection
export CONFL_VAULT_CERT=/path/to/cert
export CONFL_VAULT_KEY=/path/to/key
export CONFL_VAULT_CACERT=/path/to/cacert
examples examples