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Massive Text Embedding Benchmark

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pip install mteb


from mteb import MTEB
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

# Define the sentence-transformers model name
model_name = "average_word_embeddings_komninos"

model = SentenceTransformer(model_name)
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=["Banking77Classification"])
results =, output_folder=f"results/{model_name}")
  • Using CLI
mteb --available_tasks

mteb -m average_word_embeddings_komninos \
    -t Banking77Classification  \
    --output_folder results/average_word_embeddings_komninos \
    --verbosity 3
  • Using multiple GPUs in parallel can be done by just having a custom encode function that distributes the inputs to multiple GPUs like e.g. here. For retrieval tasks you can also use the below (see scripts/retrieval.slurm for multi-node slurm script example):
pip install git+
# Run on 2 gpus
torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 scripts/

Advanced usage

Dataset selection

Datasets can be selected by providing the list of datasets, but also

  • by their task (e.g. "Clustering" or "Classification")
evaluation = MTEB(task_types=['Clustering', 'Retrieval']) # Only select clustering and retrieval tasks
  • by their categories e.g. "S2S" (sentence to sentence) or "P2P" (paragraph to paragraph)
evaluation = MTEB(task_categories=['S2S']) # Only select sentence2sentence datasets
  • by their languages
evaluation = MTEB(task_langs=["en", "de"]) # Only select datasets which are "en", "de" or "en-de"

You can also specify which languages to load for multilingual/crosslingual tasks like below:

from mteb.tasks import AmazonReviewsClassification, BUCCBitextMining

evaluation = MTEB(tasks=[
        AmazonReviewsClassification(langs=["en", "fr"]) # Only load "en" and "fr" subsets of Amazon Reviews
        BUCCBitextMining(langs=["de-en"]), # Only load "de-en" subset of BUCC

Evaluation split

You can evaluate only on test splits of all tasks by doing the following:, eval_splits=["test"])

Note that the public leaderboard uses the test splits for all datasets except MSMARCO, where the "dev" split is used.

Using a custom model

Models should implement the following interface, implementing an encode function taking as inputs a list of sentences, and returning a list of embeddings (embeddings can be np.array, torch.tensor, etc.). For inspiration, you can look at the mteb/mtebscripts repo used for running diverse models via SLURM scripts for the paper.

class MyModel():
    def encode(self, sentences, batch_size=32, **kwargs):
        Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences.
            sentences (`List[str]`): List of sentences to encode
            batch_size (`int`): Batch size for the encoding

            `List[np.ndarray]` or `List[tensor]`: List of embeddings for the given sentences

model = MyModel()
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=["Banking77Classification"])

If you'd like to use different encoding functions for query and corpus when evaluating on Retrieval or Reranking tasks, you can add separate methods for encode_queries and encode_corpus. If these methods exist, they will be automatically used for those tasks. You can refer to the DRESModel at mteb/mteb/abstasks/ for an example of these functions.

class MyModel():
    def encode_queries(self, queries, batch_size=32, **kwargs):
        Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences.
            queries (`List[str]`): List of sentences to encode
            batch_size (`int`): Batch size for the encoding

            `List[np.ndarray]` or `List[tensor]`: List of embeddings for the given sentences

    def encode_corpus(self, corpus, batch_size=32, **kwargs):
        Returns a list of embeddings for the given sentences.
            corpus (`List[str]` or `List[Dict[str, str]]`): List of sentences to encode
                or list of dictionaries with keys "title" and "text"
            batch_size (`int`): Batch size for the encoding

            `List[np.ndarray]` or `List[tensor]`: List of embeddings for the given sentences

Evaluating on a custom task

To add a new task, you need to implement a new class that inherits from the AbsTask associated with the task type (e.g. AbsTaskReranking for reranking tasks). You can find the supported task types in here.

from mteb import MTEB
from mteb.abstasks.AbsTaskReranking import AbsTaskReranking
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

class MindSmallReranking(AbsTaskReranking):
    def description(self):
        return {
            "name": "MindSmallReranking",
            "hf_hub_name": "mteb/mind_small",
            "description": "Microsoft News Dataset: A Large-Scale English Dataset for News Recommendation Research",
            "reference": "",
            "type": "Reranking",
            "category": "s2s",
            "eval_splits": ["validation"],
            "eval_langs": ["en"],
            "main_score": "map",

model = SentenceTransformer("average_word_embeddings_komninos")
evaluation = MTEB(tasks=[MindSmallReranking()])

Note: for multilingual tasks, make sure your class also inherits from the MultilingualTask class like in this example.


The MTEB Leaderboard is available here. To submit:

  1. Run on MTEB: You can reference scripts/ for all MTEB English datasets used in the main ranking, or scripts/ for the Chinese ones. Advanced scripts with different models are available in the mteb/mtebscripts repo.
  2. Format the json files into metadata using the script at scripts/ For example python scripts/ path_to_results_folder, which will create a file. If you ran CQADupstack retrieval, make sure to merge the results first with python scripts/ path_to_results_folder.
  3. Copy the content of the file to the top of a file of your model on the Hub. See here for an example.
  4. Hit the Refresh button at the bottom of the leaderboard and you should see your scores 🥇
  5. To have the scores appear without refreshing, you can open an issue on the Community Tab of the LB and someone will restart the space to cache your average scores. The cache is updated anyways ~1x/week.


MTEB was introduced in "MTEB: Massive Text Embedding Benchmark", feel free to cite:

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.07316},
  url = {},
  author = {Muennighoff, Niklas and Tazi, Nouamane and Magne, Lo{\"\i}c and Reimers, Nils},
  title = {MTEB: Massive Text Embedding Benchmark},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.07316},  
  year = {2022}

You may also want to read and cite the amazing work that has extended MTEB & integrated new datasets:

For works that have used MTEB for benchmarking, you can find them on the leaderboard.

Available tasks

Name Hub URL Description Type Category #Languages Train #Samples Dev #Samples Test #Samples Avg. chars / train Avg. chars / dev Avg. chars / test
BUCC mteb/bucc-bitext-mining BUCC bitext mining dataset BitextMining s2s 4 0 0 641684 0 0 101.3
Tatoeba mteb/tatoeba-bitext-mining 1,000 English-aligned sentence pairs for each language based on the Tatoeba corpus BitextMining s2s 112 0 0 2000 0 0 39.4
Bornholm parallel strombergnlp/bornholmsk_parallel Danish Bornholmsk Parallel Corpus. BitextMining s2s 2 100 100 100 64.6 86.2 89.7
AmazonCounterfactualClassification mteb/amazon_counterfactual A collection of Amazon customer reviews annotated for counterfactual detection pair classification. Classification s2s 4 4018 335 670 107.3 109.2 106.1
AmazonPolarityClassification mteb/amazon_polarity Amazon Polarity Classification Dataset. Classification s2s 1 3600000 0 400000 431.6 0 431.4
AmazonReviewsClassification mteb/amazon_reviews_multi A collection of Amazon reviews specifically designed to aid research in multilingual text classification. Classification s2s 6 1200000 30000 30000 160.5 159.2 160.4
Banking77Classification mteb/banking77 Dataset composed of online banking queries annotated with their corresponding intents. Classification s2s 1 10003 0 3080 59.5 0 54.2
EmotionClassification mteb/emotion Emotion is a dataset of English Twitter messages with six basic emotions: anger, fear, joy, love, sadness, and surprise. For more detailed information please refer to the paper. Classification s2s 1 16000 2000 2000 96.8 95.3 96.6
ImdbClassification mteb/imdb Large Movie Review Dataset Classification p2p 1 25000 0 25000 1325.1 0 1293.8
MassiveIntentClassification mteb/amazon_massive_intent MASSIVE: A 1M-Example Multilingual Natural Language Understanding Dataset with 51 Typologically-Diverse Languages Classification s2s 51 11514 2033 2974 35.0 34.8 34.6
MassiveScenarioClassification mteb/amazon_massive_scenario MASSIVE: A 1M-Example Multilingual Natural Language Understanding Dataset with 51 Typologically-Diverse Languages Classification s2s 51 11514 2033 2974 35.0 34.8 34.6
MTOPDomainClassification mteb/mtop_domain MTOP: Multilingual Task-Oriented Semantic Parsing Classification s2s 6 15667 2235 4386 36.6 36.5 36.8
MTOPIntentClassification mteb/mtop_intent MTOP: Multilingual Task-Oriented Semantic Parsing Classification s2s 6 15667 2235 4386 36.6 36.5 36.8
ToxicConversationsClassification mteb/toxic_conversations_50k Collection of comments from the Civil Comments platform together with annotations if the comment is toxic or not. Classification s2s 1 50000 0 50000 298.8 0 296.6
TweetSentimentExtractionClassification mteb/tweet_sentiment_extraction Classification s2s 1 27481 0 3534 68.3 0 67.8
AngryTweetsClassification mteb/DDSC/angry-tweets A sentiment dataset with 3 classes (positiv, negativ, neutral) for Danish tweets Classification s2s 1 2410 0 1050 153.0 0 156.1
DKHateClassification DDSC/dkhate Danish Tweets annotated for Hate Speech Classification s2s 1 2960 0 329 88.2 0 104.0
DalajClassification AI-Sweden/SuperLim A Swedish dataset for linguistic accebtablity. Available as a part of Superlim Classification s2s 1 3840 445 444 243.7 242.5 243.8
DanishPoliticalCommentsClassification danish_political_comments A dataset of Danish political comments rated for sentiment Classification s2s 1 9010 0 0 69.9 0 0
LccClassification DDSC/lcc The leipzig corpora collection, annotated for sentiment Classification s2s 1 349 0 150 113.5 0 118.7
NoRecClassification ScandEval/norec-mini A Norwegian dataset for sentiment classification on review Classification s2s 1 1020 256 2050 86.9 89.6 82.0
NordicLangClassification strombergnlp/nordic_langid A dataset for Nordic language identification. Classification s2s 6 57000 0 3000 78.4 0 78.2
NorwegianParliamentClassification NbAiLab/norwegian_parliament Norwegian parliament speeches annotated for sentiment Classification s2s 1 3600 1200 1200 1773.6 1911.0 1884.0
ScalaDaClassification ScandEval/scala-da A modified version of DDT modified for linguistic acceptability classification Classification s2s 1 1024 256 2048 107.6 100.8 109.4
ScalaNbClassification ScandEval/scala-nb A Norwegian dataset for linguistic acceptability classification for Bokmål Classification s2s 1 1024 256 2048 95.5 94.8 98.4
ScalaNnClassification ScandEval/scala-nn A Norwegian dataset for linguistic acceptability classification for Nynorsk Classification s2s 1 1024 256 2048 105.3 103.5 104.8
ScalaSvClassification ScandEval/scala-sv A Swedish dataset for linguistic acceptability classification Classification s2s 1 1024 256 2048 102.6 113.0 98.3
SweRecClassificition ScandEval/swerec-mini A Swedish dataset for sentiment classification on reviews Classification s2s 1 1024 256 2048 317.7 293.4 318.8
CBD PL-MTEB/cbd Polish Tweets annotated for cyberbullying detection. Classification s2s 1 10041 0 1000 93.6 0 93.2
PolEmo2.0-IN PL-MTEB/polemo2_in A collection of Polish online reviews from four domains: medicine, hotels, products and school. The PolEmo2.0-IN task is to predict the sentiment of in-domain (medicine and hotels) reviews. Classification s2s 1 5783 723 722 780.6 769.4 756.2
PolEmo2.0-OUT PL-MTEB/polemo2_out A collection of Polish online reviews from four domains: medicine, hotels, products and school. The PolEmo2.0-OUT task is to predict the sentiment of out-of-domain (products and school) reviews using models train on reviews from medicine and hotels domains. Classification s2s 1 5783 494 494 780.6 589.3 587.0
AllegroReviews PL-MTEB/allegro-reviews A Polish dataset for sentiment classification on reviews from e-commerce marketplace Allegro. Classification s2s 1 9577 1002 1006 477.9 480.9 477.2
PAC laugustyniak/abusive-clauses-pl Polish Abusive Clauses Dataset Classification s2s 1 4284 1519 3453 185.3 256.8 185.3
ArxivClusteringP2P mteb/arxiv-clustering-p2p Clustering of titles+abstract from arxiv. Clustering of 30 sets, either on the main or secondary category Clustering p2p 1 0 0 732723 0 0 1009.9
ArxivClusteringS2S mteb/arxiv-clustering-s2s Clustering of titles from arxiv. Clustering of 30 sets, either on the main or secondary category Clustering s2s 1 0 0 732723 0 0 74.0
BiorxivClusteringP2P mteb/biorxiv-clustering-p2p Clustering of titles+abstract from biorxiv. Clustering of 10 sets, based on the main category. Clustering p2p 1 0 0 75000 0 0 1666.2
BiorxivClusteringS2S mteb/biorxiv-clustering-s2s Clustering of titles from biorxiv. Clustering of 10 sets, based on the main category. Clustering s2s 1 0 0 75000 0 0 101.6
BlurbsClusteringP2P slvnwhrl/blurbs-clustering-p2p Clustering of book titles+blurbs. Clustering of 28 sets, either on the main or secondary genre Clustering p2p 1 0 0 174637 0 0 664.09
BlurbsClusteringS2S slvnwhrl/blurbs-clustering-s2s Clustering of book titles. Clustering of 28 sets, either on the main or secondary genre. Clustering s2s 1 0 0 174637 0 0 23.02
MedrxivClusteringP2P mteb/medrxiv-clustering-p2p Clustering of titles+abstract from medrxiv. Clustering of 10 sets, based on the main category. Clustering p2p 1 0 0 37500 0 0 1981.2
MedrxivClusteringS2S mteb/medrxiv-clustering-s2s Clustering of titles from medrxiv. Clustering of 10 sets, based on the main category. Clustering s2s 1 0 0 37500 0 0 114.7
RedditClustering mteb/reddit-clustering Clustering of titles from 199 subreddits. Clustering of 25 sets, each with 10-50 classes, and each class with 100 - 1000 sentences. Clustering s2s 1 0 0 420464 0 0 64.7
RedditClusteringP2P mteb/reddit-clustering-p2p Clustering of title+posts from reddit. Clustering of 10 sets of 50k paragraphs and 40 sets of 10k paragraphs. Clustering p2p 1 0 0 459399 0 0 727.7
StackExchangeClustering mteb/stackexchange-clustering Clustering of titles from 121 stackexchanges. Clustering of 25 sets, each with 10-50 classes, and each class with 100 - 1000 sentences. Clustering s2s 1 0 417060 373850 0 56.8 57.0
StackExchangeClusteringP2P mteb/stackexchange-clustering-p2p Clustering of title+body from stackexchange. Clustering of 5 sets of 10k paragraphs and 5 sets of 5k paragraphs. Clustering p2p 1 0 0 75000 0 0 1090.7
TenKGnadClusteringP2P slvnwhrl/tenkgnad-clustering-p2p Clustering of news article titles+subheadings+texts. Clustering of 10 splits on the news article category. Clustering p2p 1 0 0 45914 0 0 2641.03
TenKGnadClusteringS2S slvnwhrl/tenkgnad-clustering-s2s Clustering of news article titles. Clustering of 10 splits on the news article category. Clustering s2s 1 0 0 45914 0 0 50.96
TwentyNewsgroupsClustering mteb/twentynewsgroups-clustering Clustering of the 20 Newsgroups dataset (subject only). Clustering s2s 1 0 0 59545 0 0 32.0
8TagsClustering PL-MTEB/8tags-clustering Clustering of headlines from social media posts in Polish belonging to 8 categories: film, history, food, medicine, motorization, work, sport and technology. Clustering s2s 1 40001 5000 4372 78.2 77.6 79.2
SprintDuplicateQuestions mteb/sprintduplicatequestions-pairclassification Duplicate questions from the Sprint community. PairClassification s2s 1 0 101000 101000 0 65.2 67.9
TwitterSemEval2015 mteb/twittersemeval2015-pairclassification Paraphrase-Pairs of Tweets from the SemEval 2015 workshop. PairClassification s2s 1 0 0 16777 0 0 38.3
TwitterURLCorpus mteb/twitterurlcorpus-pairclassification Paraphrase-Pairs of Tweets. PairClassification s2s 1 0 0 51534 0 0 79.5
PPC PL-MTEB/ppc-pairclassification Polish Paraphrase Corpus PairClassification s2s 1 5000 1000 1000 41.0 41.0 40.2
PSC PL-MTEB/psc-pairclassification Polish Summaries Corpus PairClassification s2s 1 4302 0 1078 537.1 0 549.3
SICK-E-PL PL-MTEB/sicke-pl-pairclassification Polish version of SICK dataset for textual entailment. PairClassification s2s 1 4439 495 4906 43.4 44.7 43.2
CDSC-E PL-MTEB/cdsce-pairclassification Compositional Distributional Semantics Corpus for textual entailment. PairClassification s2s 1 8000 1000 1000 71.9 73.5 75.2
AskUbuntuDupQuestions mteb/askubuntudupquestions-reranking AskUbuntu Question Dataset - Questions from AskUbuntu with manual annotations marking pairs of questions as similar or non-similar Reranking s2s 1 0 0 2255 0 0 52.5
MindSmallReranking mteb/mind_small Microsoft News Dataset: A Large-Scale English Dataset for News Recommendation Research Reranking s2s 1 231530 0 107968 69.0 0 70.9
SciDocsRR mteb/scidocs-reranking Ranking of related scientific papers based on their title. Reranking s2s 1 0 19594 19599 0 69.4 69.0
StackOverflowDupQuestions mteb/stackoverflowdupquestions-reranking Stack Overflow Duplicate Questions Task for questions with the tags Java, JavaScript and Python Reranking s2s 1 23018 0 3467 49.6 0 49.8
ArguAna BeIR/arguana NFCorpus: A Full-Text Learning to Rank Dataset for Medical Information Retrieval Retrieval p2p 1 0 0 10080 0 0 1052.9
ClimateFEVER BeIR/climate-fever CLIMATE-FEVER is a dataset adopting the FEVER methodology that consists of 1,535 real-world claims regarding climate-change. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 5418128 0 0 539.1
CQADupstackAndroidRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/android CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 23697 0 0 578.7
CQADupstackEnglishRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/english CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 41791 0 0 467.1
CQADupstackGamingRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/gaming CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 46896 0 0 474.7
CQADupstackGisRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/gis CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 38522 0 0 991.1
CQADupstackMathematicaRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/mathematica CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 17509 0 0 1103.7
CQADupstackPhysicsRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/physics CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 39355 0 0 799.4
CQADupstackProgrammersRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/programmers CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 33052 0 0 1030.2
CQADupstackStatsRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/stats CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 42921 0 0 1041.0
CQADupstackTexRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/tex CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 71090 0 0 1246.9
CQADupstackUnixRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/unix CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 48454 0 0 984.7
CQADupstackWebmastersRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/webmasters CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 17911 0 0 689.8
CQADupstackWordpressRetrieval BeIR/cqadupstack/wordpress CQADupStack: A Benchmark Data Set for Community Question-Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 49146 0 0 1111.9
DBPedia BeIR/dbpedia-entity DBpedia-Entity is a standard test collection for entity search over the DBpedia knowledge base Retrieval s2p 1 0 4635989 4636322 0 310.2 310.1
FEVER BeIR/fever FEVER (Fact Extraction and VERification) consists of 185,445 claims generated by altering sentences extracted from Wikipedia and subsequently verified without knowledge of the sentence they were derived from. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 5423234 0 0 538.6
FiQA2018 BeIR/fiqa Financial Opinion Mining and Question Answering Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 58286 0 0 760.4
HotpotQA BeIR/hotpotqa HotpotQA is a question answering dataset featuring natural, multi-hop questions, with strong supervision for supporting facts to enable more explainable question answering systems. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 5240734 0 0 288.6
MSMARCO BeIR/msmarco MS MARCO is a collection of datasets focused on deep learning in search. Note that the dev set is used for the leaderboard. Retrieval s2p 1 0 8848803 8841866 0 336.6 336.8
MSMARCOv2 BeIR/msmarco-v2 MS MARCO is a collection of datasets focused on deep learning in search Retrieval s2p 1 138641342 138368101 0 341.4 342.0 0
NFCorpus BeIR/nfcorpus NFCorpus: A Full-Text Learning to Rank Dataset for Medical Information Retrieval Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 3956 0 0 1462.7
NQ BeIR/nq NFCorpus: A Full-Text Learning to Rank Dataset for Medical Information Retrieval Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 2684920 0 0 492.7
QuoraRetrieval BeIR/quora QuoraRetrieval is based on questions that are marked as duplicates on the Quora platform. Given a question, find other (duplicate) questions. Retrieval s2s 1 0 0 532931 0 0 62.9
SCIDOCS BeIR/scidocs SciDocs, a new evaluation benchmark consisting of seven document-level tasks ranging from citation prediction, to document classification and recommendation. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 26657 0 0 1161.9
SciFact BeIR/scifact SciFact verifies scientific claims using evidence from the research literature containing scientific paper abstracts. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 5483 0 0 1422.3
Touche2020 BeIR/webis-touche2020 Touché Task 1: Argument Retrieval for Controversial Questions Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 382594 0 0 1720.1
TRECCOVID BeIR/trec-covid TRECCOVID is an ad-hoc search challenge based on the CORD-19 dataset containing scientific articles related to the COVID-19 pandemic Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 171382 0 0 1117.4
ArguAna-PL BeIR-PL/arguana-pl NFCorpus: A Full-Text Learning to Rank Dataset for Medical Information Retrieval Retrieval p2p 1 0 0 10080 0 0 1052.9
DBPedia-PL BeIR-PL/dbpedia-pl DBpedia-Entity is a standard test collection for entity search over the DBpedia knowledge base Retrieval s2p 1 0 4635989 4636322 0 310.2 310.1
FiQA-PL BeIR-PL/fiqa-pl Financial Opinion Mining and Question Answering Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 58286 0 0 760.4
HotpotQA-PL BeIR-PL/hotpotqa-pl HotpotQA is a question answering dataset featuring natural, multi-hop questions, with strong supervision for supporting facts to enable more explainable question answering systems. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 5240734 0 0 288.6
MSMARCO-PL BeIR-PL/msmarco-pl MS MARCO is a collection of datasets focused on deep learning in search. Note that the dev set is used for the leaderboard. Retrieval s2p 1 0 8848803 8841866 0 336.6 336.8
NFCorpus-PL BeIR-PL/nfcorpus-pl NFCorpus: A Full-Text Learning to Rank Dataset for Medical Information Retrieval Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 3956 0 0 1462.7
NQ-PL BeIR-PL/nq-pl Natural Questions: A Benchmark for Question Answering Research Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 2684920 0 0 492.7
Quora-PL BeIR-PL/quora-pl QuoraRetrieval is based on questions that are marked as duplicates on the Quora platform. Given a question, find other (duplicate) questions. Retrieval s2s 1 0 0 532931 0 0 62.9
SCIDOCS-PL BeIR-PL/scidocs-pl SciDocs, a new evaluation benchmark consisting of seven document-level tasks ranging from citation prediction, to document classification and recommendation. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 26657 0 0 1161.9
SciFact-PL BeIR-PL/scifact-pl SciFact verifies scientific claims using evidence from the research literature containing scientific paper abstracts. Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 5483 0 0 1422.3
SweFAQ AI-Sweden/SuperLim Frequently asked questions from Swedish authorities' websites Retrieval s2p 1 0 0 513 0 0 390.57
BIOSSES mteb/biosses-sts Biomedical Semantic Similarity Estimation. STS s2s 1 0 0 200 0 0 156.6
SICK-R mteb/sickr-sts Semantic Textual Similarity SICK-R dataset as described here: STS s2s 1 0 0 19854 0 0 46.1
STS12 mteb/sts12-sts SemEval STS 2012 dataset. STS s2s 1 4468 0 6216 100.7 0 64.7
STS13 mteb/sts13-sts SemEval STS 2013 dataset. STS s2s 1 0 0 3000 0 0 54.0
STS14 mteb/sts14-sts SemEval STS 2014 dataset. Currently only the English dataset STS s2s 1 0 0 7500 0 0 54.3
STS15 mteb/sts15-sts SemEval STS 2015 dataset STS s2s 1 0 0 6000 0 0 57.7
STS16 mteb/sts16-sts SemEval STS 2016 dataset STS s2s 1 0 0 2372 0 0 65.3
STS17 mteb/sts17-crosslingual-sts STS 2017 dataset STS s2s 11 0 0 500 0 0 43.3
STS22 mteb/sts22-crosslingual-sts SemEval 2022 Task 8: Multilingual News Article Similarity STS s2s 18 0 0 8060 0 0 1992.8
STSBenchmark mteb/stsbenchmark-sts Semantic Textual Similarity Benchmark (STSbenchmark) dataset. STS s2s 1 11498 3000 2758 57.6 64.0 53.6
SICK-R-PL PL-MTEB/sickr-pl-sts Polish version of SICK dataset for textual relatedness. STS s2s 1 8878 990 9812 42.9 44.0 42.8
CDSC-R PL-MTEB/cdscr-sts Compositional Distributional Semantics Corpus for textual relatedness. STS s2s 1 16000 2000 2000 72.1 73.2 75.0
SummEval mteb/summeval News Article Summary Semantic Similarity Estimation. Summarization s2s 1 0 0 2800 0 0 359.8

For Chinese tasks, you can refer to C_MTEB.


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  • Python 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%