The goal of this project is to create a Python Script Tool for ArcGIS Pro which provides an interface for running the current versions of Circuitscape and Omniscape.
Here is a picture of the tool in action:
The latest version of the tool can be downloaded at To install, follow instructions in src/
The versions of Circuitscape, Omniscape, and Julia used in this tool are defined in Project.toml and the packaging workflow; these will be periodically updated.
Since Arc Pro typically updates automatically, it is difficult to test across different versions. This tool was created using Arc Pro 3.x series (last tested version: 3.2.1).
To ease usage and maintain compatibility, Julia itself is distributed in the zip package. It is the latest version (currently 1.10.0) tested with the versions of Circuitscape and Omniscape included with Project.toml.
All parameters within the tool are loaded as defined in the documentation and/or source code for Circuitscape and Omniscape. Specifically, I defined a json schema for each which are mantained in a separate repo and loaded as a submodule here.
Circuitscape and Omniscape are installed in a siloed environment on first usage
and run via python using subprocess.Popen
The limitations of Arc Pro Python script tools as well as Python <-> Julia interprocess communications necessitate certain limitations. See src/ for more information.
Please report other issues at
This tool was authored by Jesse Anderson as guided by Kimberly Hall with The Nature Conservancy. It was inspired by the original ArcGIS Circuitscape tool authored by Brad McRae and Jim Platt. Funding for this project was provided by The Wilburforce Foundation. Circuitscape.jl was authored by Brad McRae, Viral Shah, Tanmay Mohapatra, and Ranjan Anantharaman. Omniscape.jl was authored by Vincent Landau.