Takes an excel file and looks for the two columns "Pin Name" and "Delay". Then reads the rest of the sheet and produces a correctly formatting pin package length file for either Mentor (icdb flows) or Allergo.
You need to do any math in excel prior to running the script to convert the Delay column to the right unit.
- Clone this repo to your machine
- Run
pip install .
from that folder
pindelay --help
Usage: pindelay [OPTIONS] [EXCEL_FILE]... [[cadence|mentor]]
For today's high speed designs, one must take into account the internal
length or delay of a pin. This python program takes an excel file and
produces a pin delay file that is correctly formatted for your EDA tool
-p, --partnumber TEXT Part number [Only used in mentor]
-d, --package TEXT Device Package [Only used in cadence]
-r, --refdes TEXT RefDes [Only used in cadence]
-u, --units [ns|ps|mil] Units
--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.