Nim binding of xgboost 1.4.x
This binding depends on the shared library of xgboost. You should be able to build it with the following commands.
nimble clone_xgboost
nimble build_xgboost
The resulting shared library should be located in ./xgboost/lib/
If you encouter issues during build, consult the installation guide of xgboost.
import xgboost
proc main() =
# global config
"verbosity": 3
let dtrain = newXGDMatrix("agaricus.txt.train")
let dtest = newXGDMatrix("agaricus.txt.test")
# train
let booster = train({
"max_depth": "2",
"eta": "1",
"objective": "binary:logistic"
}, dtrain)
# predict
let res = booster.predict(dtest)
echo res
# save model
when isMainModule:
see here