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A mock e-commerce site built for hands-on learning with Django and React. The project aims to provide a fully functional e-commerce experience, from browsing products to completing purchases, while exploring different technologies and development practices.


  • The products shown on this site are not for sale.
  • I will be using this youtube video tutorial for guidance: video

Table of Contents

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, Vite, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Django, Django REST Framework (DRF)
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Payments: Stripe or PayPal (TBD)
  • Storage: AWS S3 for static files and media (TBD)
  • Hosting:
    • Backend: AWS, Heroku, or Railway (TBD)
    • Frontend: Vercel or Netlify
  • Containerization: Docker (TBD)
  • Version Control: Git, GitHub

Open APIs

Project Goals

  • Learn and apply Django and React together to build a full-stack web application.
  • Explore best practices for developing, testing, and deploying an e-commerce app.
  • Understand integration of third-party services like payment gateways (Stripe/PayPal).
  • Get hands-on experience with deployment and cloud services.


  • User Authentication: Allow users to register, log in, and manage their accounts.
  • Product Management: List, search, and filter products with details like name, description, price, and category.
  • Shopping Cart: Add, update, or remove items, and calculate total costs.
  • Checkout: Process payments using Stripe or PayPal.
  • Order History: View past orders and payment statuses.
  • Admin Dashboard: Manage products, orders, and users (potentially using Django Admin).

Project Structure

  • Frontend: Organized into components, pages, and state management (using Context API or Redux, TBD).
  • Backend: Django project split into different apps (e.g., products, users, orders).
  • API: Built using Django REST Framework to provide endpoints for frontend interaction.

Planning and SDLC

1. Requirements Analysis

  • Primary Goal: Build a full-stack e-commerce application to learn Django and React.
  • Core Requirements:
    • User management (authentication, profile management)
    • Product catalog
    • Shopping cart and checkout process
    • Payment integration
    • Admin features for managing products and orders

2. System Design

  • Frontend Architecture: Use React components and Vite for a fast development setup. Design responsive and accessible interfaces using Tailwind CSS.
  • Backend Architecture: Use Django for robust backend support and Django REST Framework for building APIs.
  • Database Schema: Plan out models for User, Product, Order, OrderItem, etc.
  • Third-Party Services: Integrate Stripe/PayPal for payments and AWS S3 for storing static files.
  • Version Control Strategy: Use Git for source control and create separate branches for different features.

3. Implementation

  • Frontend Development:
    • Set up Vite and configure the development environment.
    • Create reusable components for common UI elements (e.g., product cards, forms).
    • Set up React Router for navigation.
  • Backend Development:
    • Create Django apps for different functionalities (users, products, orders).
    • Set up Django REST Framework for API endpoints.
    • Integrate PostgreSQL as the database.
    • Implement user authentication using Django's built-in user model.
  • Payment Integration:
    • Implement payment processing using Stripe or PayPal.
    • Secure payment transactions and store relevant order details.

4. Testing

  • Unit Testing: Write tests for individual components, functions, and API endpoints.
  • Integration Testing: Ensure seamless interaction between frontend and backend.
  • Manual Testing: Perform exploratory testing to ensure a good user experience.
  • Tools: Use testing libraries like Jest (frontend) and Django's built-in test framework (backend).

5. Deployment

  • Frontend Deployment: Use Vercel or Netlify for continuous deployment.
  • Backend Deployment: Deploy on AWS, Heroku, or Railway. Configure a CI/CD pipeline.
  • Containerization (Optional): Use Docker to package the application for deployment.

6. Maintenance

  • Bug Fixes: Address any issues that arise during usage.
  • Feature Enhancements: Gradually introduce new features based on user feedback.
  • Tech Updates: Keep dependencies up-to-date for security and performance.

Future Plans

  • User Reviews and Ratings: Allow users to leave reviews on products.
  • Inventory Management: Add stock tracking for products.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improve site visibility on search engines.
  • Promotions and Discounts: Implement a system for applying coupon codes.
  • Analytics Dashboard: Track sales data and user behavior.
  • Internationalization: Support multiple languages and currencies.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA): Make the app installable and usable offline.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone

To be continued...


multi vendor e-commerce site (mock)






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