This is an openFrameworks-centric fork of the wonderful Most Pixels Ever library.
one downfall is it isn't compatible with the existing java jar, but only works openframeworks client to openframeworks server.
This version features:
Updated for OF 007
servers and clients automatically reconnect if things crash/restart and reset the frame count intelligently
openFrameworks events driven
option to run updates on the main thread or backthread for increase performance (backthread updates must avoid OpenGL calls)
hopefully simpler client code!
tested on windows/os x
- the camera parts have not been fixed. Right now this just works for syncing and you'll need to manage your own window offseting
- the bytes/ints/floats event sending doesn't work at the moment
Most Pixels Ever is an open-source Java / C++ framework for spanning Processing sketches and openFrameWorks applications across multiple screens.
Check out the tutorials on the wiki!
Project initiated by Daniel Shiffman with the support of
Participating developers: Jeremy Rotsztain, Elie Zananiri, Chris Kairalla.
openFrameworks Server and Client redux by James George