Earlier this year (2017) I was asked if there’s a good way to compare developing web UIs in Google Web Toolkit (GWT) vs. Dart, specifically AngularDart. Having worked with both GWT and Dart, I had a good idea of the differences, but as I thought more, I started to wonder how hard it would be to migrate a GWT application to AngularDart.
The GWT Mail Sample was an ideal place to start: it’s much more than a trivial example, with diverse features and complex UI interactions, yet it’s still manageable in size.
- Demo: https://isoos.github.io/gwt_mail_sample/
- Article: https://medium.com/@isoos/from-gwt-to-angulardart-a-case-study-with-source-code-a049ba8b6df3
You may follow the changelog or look at the commits for the breakdown of the small steps needed.