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jdfalko edited this page Mar 27, 2019 · 5 revisions

Contents | Preface | Introduction | Projects | Scripts | Filters | Datafiles | Functions | Tools | Users | Admin


Projects define how tests are executed. The main properties that must be specified include: the total number of test users, the ramp time, test length, which scripts to use, and whether to read from data files.

Clicking the Project tab takes the user to the main screen, which lists all the previously created projects. From this screen, the user can click the New Project icon or edit an existing project by clicking the name in the list.

Creating a New Project

  1. After clicking the New Project icon, the user will be presented a screen where they can name the project.

  2. Select the Product this test belongs to and optionally add comments.

  3. After clicking Save in the toolbar, the project will be created and you will be taken to the edit project screen.

Editing a Project

You can click on the edit icon at the far right of the project row or click the name of the Project to edit a project. From the edit screen, you can set the properties of the project as well as run a test.

Global Properties

  • Name

    The name of the Project. This must be unique.

  • Simulation Time

    This is the length of the test and should be filled in if the Simulation Time Reached option is chosen. If Scripts Loops Completed is chosen, this field is ignored.

  • Ramp Time

    This is how quickly test users should be added. For example, if the total number of Users is 3000, the Ramp Time is 15 minutes, and the User Increment is 1, then 3.33 users will be added every second.

  • Owner

    The owner of this Project. Owners and Administrators have specific rights to Projects within Intuit Tank. See Security for more information.

  • Total Users

    This is a read only field that will total the users for all the regions configured on the Users And Times tab.

Users And Times

Users and Times is where you configure the number of users that will be simulated in your test and how the load will be generated and terminated.

  • Users

    Enter the number of users for each Amazon EC2 region to simulate. Regions are the Amazon data center locations. Available regions are configured by the administrator.

  • Run Scripts Until

    • Simulation Time Reached
      • Run scripts until simulation time has been reached. Will run trough the script once in its entirety regardless of the simulation time and then continue running the last script group until the simulation time has been reached.
    • Scripts Loops Completed
      • Run the script once then terminate the user.
  • Workload Type

    • Increasing
      • Users will be added for the length of time specified in the Ramp Time field, after which the test will run at steady state with the number of Total Users until Simulation Time or Script Loops are completed.
    • Steady State
      • Start all the users at once.
  • Initial Users

    The number of users to simulate immediately when the test starts. The typical value is 0.

  • User Increment

    The number of users to add at a time during the Ramp Time. The typical value is 1.

Scripts and Test Plans

The Scripts tab is where the the flow of the test is configured. Tests are a collection of Test Plans. A Test Plan consists of one or more Script Groups. Script Groups contain one or more Scripts. Test Plans run a percentage of the users for the test. Script groups are intended to be self contained flows for a user to execute. They are the demarkation unit for stopping a test as well as for looping after a test has met the simulation time. Scripts are a collection of steps to run. Looping can be configured at either level.

Adding a TestPlan

  1. Click on Add Test Plan to add a Test Plan to the project.

  2. Fill in the name and the percentage of users this plan will run. You are responsible for making sure that the percentages add up to 100%.

  3. Click the Add button to save the Test Plan. The new Test Plan will show up as a new tab in the Test Groups tab view.

Adding a Script Group

  1. Click on Insert Script Group to add a Script Group at the end of the list or the insert icon at the far right of any existing Script Group to add one before the one selected.

  2. Fill in the name and number of loops.

  3. Click the Add button to save the Script Group.

Editing a Script Group

  1. Click on name of Script Group or the edit icon at the far right of any existing Script Group.

  2. Move scripts from the available box to the selected box by using either the buttons or by dragging the scripts form one to the other. You can reorder the Selected Scripts by dragging them up or down in the list. Click the Add Scripts button to add the scripts to the script group (lower panel). You may set the number of loops of the individual script by clicking the loop number and changing the value.

  3. When you are done, Close the Edit Script Group Dialog.


A user can specify multiple Script Groups and Scripts within each Group. This gives the user a great deal of control over how their test is run. For example, Script Group 1 might be looped twice and contain Script1 (looped once) and Script2 (looped twice). Running the test would result in this sequence:

Script1, Script2, Script2, Script1, Script2, Script2

Data Files

Data Files are csv files that can be accessed by the scripts. The lines will get divided evenly among the agents. so if there are 6000 lines in the csv file and there are two agents running (600 users) each agent will get 3000 lines. When individual user threads access the csv file, the lines are locked as they get doled out so that lines are only given out once.

Use the Upload Data Files button to upload Data Files. Move Data Files from the available to the selected panels using either the buttons or by dragging.

You can view the contents of a Data File by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.


Email Notifications can be attached to different lifecycle events. An email will be sent when the event happens.

Use the Add Notification button to add a notification. Enter the email address or addresses separated by commas. Then select the lifecycle events that this notificaton should listen for.


Global variables can be set for the project. You can allow these variables to be overridden by the scripts of to be immutable (default).

Use the Add Variable button and fill in the key and the value.

Check the Allow Scripts to Override Project Variables checkbox to allow scripts to override the values.


You can cause the agent to use a Proxy Server for requests by setting a variable named 'TANK_HTTP_PROXY' in the format proxyHost:proxyport. e.g. myProxyserver:80

Schedule Job

When you schedule a job, you snapshot it off at that point and can then run it exactly as it is set up at the time. A pop up will show the details of the job you are going to run. After you schedule a job you will automatically be taken to the Job Queue tab.

  • Name

    The name of the job.

  • Logging Profile

    How verbose the agent logs should be.

  • Stop Behavior

    Where you want the script to exit when stop command is issued.

  • Location

    Where the test is running. Configured by the administrator.

  • Agent Instance Type

    The instance type for the agent.

  • Max Users per Agent

    The number of users each agent should run.

  • Assign Elastic Ips

    Whether the agents should use an elastic ip that you have reserved. If no ips are available, then the agent will not get an Elastic IP.


It is important that you examine the details of the job to make sure that everything is as you want it.

Job Queue

The Job Queue show all the jobs that have been scheduled or run. It allows you to control the execution of the test and monitor the current state of the test.

Contents | Preface | Introduction | Projects | Scripts | Filters | Datafiles | Functions | Tools | Users | Admin