This package shows how the BNO055 sensor from Adafruit can be used to build content that reacts to rotation changes. Right now it's a simple video player that endlessly plays a single video and overlays a scaling Hello World text. Of course more complicated integrations could be done. It's really only limited by your imagination. Here's a small demo:
You can see the required wiring in the following picture:
If you don't have a breadboard you can also connect the PS1 input to the other 3.3V output pin on the Pi.
The package service uses the module. A minor modification has been made so it works with the info-beamer GPIO code in
You'll need info-beamer OS version 10 running on your device. Right now that's only available in the testing channel. You can easily upgrade your device on the device page (Manage > Activate testing channel).
In addition you'll need to enable UART. For that create the file config/userconfig.txt on the SD card of your info-beamer device and add the following content:
Once all that's done, you're ready to run this package: Import it (just click the import link above) and create a setup. Set a video and then assign the setup to your device. After a few seconds the background service should start running and keep the current rotation updated.