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ProtoStream is a Java serialization library based on the Protocol Buffers data format. It is open source software released under the Apache License, v2.0. ProtoStream is part of the Infinispan platform, but can be used standalone. For more information about Infinispan visit the project's website on Documentation on how to use ProtoStream in your projects is available


  • annotate your Java classes, enums and records to automatically generate the .proto schema
  • provide adapters for third-party classes
  • compile-time generation of high-performance protocol buffers serializers / deserializers
  • Protocol Buffers 2 and 3
  • support for custom annotations
  • provides a library of ready-made adapters for common JDK classes (BigDecimal, UUID, ArrayList, LocalDateTime and more)
  • programmatic .proto schema generation
  • built-in backwards compatibility checks to ensure schemas use [](Protocol Buffers best practices)


If you are using Maven, add this dependency to your pom.xml file:


If you are using Gradle, add this dependency to your build file:

dependencies { 
    implementation 'org.infinispan.protostream:protostream:5.0.12.Final'

Annotation processor

The Java compiler discovers annotation processors differently, depending on the version and the options in use. With Java up to version 21, it's enough to put the protostream-processor dependency on the classpath and it will be automatically discovered by the service loader mechanism. Another way, which is mandatory since Java 22, is to use the --processor-path option.

javac --processor-path /path/to/protostream-processor-5.0.5.Final.jar:... ...

Using Maven:

    <!-- Annotation processors -->

Using Gradle:

dependencies {
    annotationProcessor 'org.infinispan.protostream:protostream-processor:5.0.5.Final'

The annotation processor supports some configuration options:

  • protostream.debug prints out debug information during the processing phase.
  • protostream.fullyqualifiedannotations when generating the .proto files, the annotation names are stripped of the package name. This flag keeps the fully-qualified annotation names in the generated files.

You can pass these arguments to javac using the -Aoption=value argument. The following pom.xml snippet shows how to do it with Maven:

    <!-- Annotation processors -->


Target runtime platform is Java 17 or newer.

Requires Java 17 or newer to build.

Maven 3.6.0 or newer.


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