I am a frontend engineer who specializes in React and Node.js®. I eat TypeScript for breakfast, although I am still allergic to complex generic types. Below are my primary technical skills:
- HTML/CSS: SASS, CSS-in-JS, and utility-first CSS libs (e.g. Tailwind)
- Javascript/TypeScript: 7+ years of React and Node.js® (4+ years TypeScript)
- Compiled language: 1+ year of Go (mostly only for support/fill-up role when Go engineer folks aren't available, or when I need to help pinpoint a bug)
- Web frameworks: CRA, Vite, Next.js, Remix, Astro
- Documentation tools: Storybook, Ladle, Docusaurus, Starlight
- Modern bundlers: Rollup, Webpack, esbuild, Vite, Parcel
- Testing tools: Jest/mocha, React Testing Library, Cypress, Playwright, Vitest
- Git, CI (GitHub Actions, GitLab Pipelines, Jenkins), Unix-like scripting, and a bit of a11y
Aside from the things listed above, I also have some knowledge regarding deployments (Docker, Kubernetes, Envoy, nginx), databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo), and Google Analytics. Here are some of the things that I want to learn (or learn further) in 2023:
- The basics: This mostly revolves around HTML semantics and native built-in JavaScript features.
- Another human! language: Currently I can only speak Indonesian and probably I am pretty good at English, too. But I want to expand on this a little bit more, maybe Japanese? 😄
- Architectural and API design: One of the feedback that I received was that I need to dive more into architectural (high-level) design on top of technicals. This includes API design, be it endpoint or non-endpoints.
If you love the open-source works that I am doing, please consider sponsoring me! That will mean the world to me and keep my motivation going to contribute back to the community. Thanks!