This project is a comprehensive comparison of the following works:
Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization (Huang et Belongie, 2017)
Image Style Transfer Using Convolutional Neural Networks (Gatys et al, 2016)
The .py files contain the code with the necessary methods to do style transfer
The folder saved_models/contains the necessary models to be loaded
The demo on how the code can be used to perform style transfer is in Experiments.ipynb, AdaIN.ipynb and Gatys.iypnb
A few content and style samples can be found in content/ and style/ folders
The datasets used can be downloaded through the links available in Chinese_art_dataset and COCO_test2017_2k
The code for Gatys et al. approach was inspired by the authors' repo:
The Code for AdaIN was inspired by the following repo: