Administrate your Serious Sam 3 server through in-game chat
sam3-xml-event-admin is a simple Lua script that listens for XML_Log events on your Serious Sam 3 dedicated server and runs certains actions on them. It examines <chat>
messages for server commands and uses the <playerjoined>
and <playerleft>
XML messages to keep track of connected players. By typing a pre-defined command into the in-game chat you can perform various actions like changing the map or kicking a player.
Just open the chat (default 'y') and enter a command (prefixed with a dot). The following ones are currently implemented:
- calls gamKickByIndex() or gamKickByName() depending on whether.kick
is followed by digits or a string. Examples:.kick 7
kicks player with index 7 (seegamListPlayers()
for the actual index number),.kick hans
kicks the player whose name begins with hans (case doesn't matter), e.g. Hans or hanswurst. -
- calls gameBanByIndex() or gameBanByName, see above for details, and additionally kicks targeted player. -
- calls samVotePass() - forces the current vote to pass -
- calls samVoteFail() - forces the current vote to fail -
- calls samNextMap - instantly changes to the next map in the active mapcycle -
.restart map
- calls samRestartMap() - restarts the current map (without disconnecting players) -
.restart game
- calls gamRestartGame() - restarts the current game (without disconnecting players) -
.restart server
- calls gamRestartServer() - restarts the server and drops all connections -
- calls gamStart()- starts the game -
- calls gamStop() - stops the current game -
- calls samPauseGame() - pauses and unpauses the game
Copy the script to your Content/SeriousSam3/Scripts/Startup/
directory, it will get automatically executed on server startup.
For the in-gaem chat commands to work, you will have to define at least one administrative user. By default, the variable globals.ser_strAdminList
is used for this purpose. Its value is the hexadecimal representation of one or more steamID64, you can find these in the game's console/log or by running, e.g.
printf "%x\n" 76561197964423629
Simply define the variable in a file that gets executed on server startup, e.g. your server.cfg:
globals.ser_strAdminList = "1100001003f71cd;1100001066b41df;"