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OAuth + JupyterHub Authenticator = OAuthenticator

OAuthenticator currently supports the following authentication services:

A generic implementation, which you can use with any provider, is also available.


For an example docker image using OAuthenticator, see the example directory.

Another example is using GitHub OAuth to spawn each user's server in a separate docker container.


Install with pip:

pip3 install oauthenticator

Or clone the repo and do a dev install:

git clone
cd oauthenticator
pip3 install -e .

General setup

The first step is to tell JupyterHub to use your chosen OAuthenticator. Each authenticator is provided in a submodule of oauthenticator, and each authenticator has a variant with Local (e.g. LocalGitHubOAuthenticator), which will map OAuth usernames onto local system usernames.

Set chosen OAuthenticator

In, add:

from oauthenticator.github import GitHubOAuthenticator
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = GitHubOAuthenticator

Set callback URL, client ID, and client secret

All OAuthenticators require setting a callback URL, client ID, and client secret. You will generally get these when you register your OAuth application with your OAuth provider. Provider-specific details are available in sections below. When registering your oauth application with your provider, you will probably need to specify a callback URL. The callback URL should look like:


where [your-host] is where your server will be running. Such as

When JupyterHub runs, these values will be retrieved from the environment variables:


You can also set these values in your configuration file,

c.MyOAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = 'http[s]://[your-host]/hub/oauth_callback'
c.MyOAuthenticator.client_id = 'your-client-id'
c.MyOAuthenticator.client_secret = 'your-client-secret'

GitHub Setup

First, you'll need to create a GitHub OAuth application.

Then, add the following to your file:

from oauthenticator.github import GitHubOAuthenticator
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = GitHubOAuthenticator

You can also use LocalGitHubOAuthenticator to map GitHub accounts onto local users.

You can use your own Github Enterprise instance by setting the GITHUB_HOST environment variable.

You can set GITHUB_HTTP environment variable to true or anything if your GitHub Enterprise supports http only.

GitHub allows expanded capabilities by adding GitHub-Specific Scopes to the requested token.

GitLab Setup

First, you'll need to create a GitLab OAuth application.

Then, add the following to your file:

from oauthenticator.gitlab import GitLabOAuthenticator
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = GitLabOAuthenticator

You can also use LocalGitLabOAuthenticator to map GitLab accounts onto local users.

You can use your own GitLab CE/EE instance by setting the GITLAB_HOST environment flag.

Google Setup

Visit to set up an OAuth client ID and secret. See Google's documentation on how to create OAUth 2.0 client credentials. The Authorized JavaScript origins should be set to to your hub's public address while Authorized redirect URIs should be set to the same but followed by /hub/oauth_callback.

Then, add the following to your file:

from import GoogleOAuthenticator
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = GoogleOAuthenticator

For a Google Apps domain you can set:

c.GoogleOAuthenticator.hosted_domain = ''
c.GoogleOAuthenticator.login_service = 'My College'

OpenShift Setup

In case you have an OpenShift deployment with OAuth properly configured (see the following sections for a quick reference), you should set the client ID and secret by the environment variables OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET and OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL. The OpenShift API URL can be specified by setting the variable OPENSHIFT_URL.

The OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL should match http[s]://[your-app-route]/hub/oauth_callback

Global OAuth (admin)

As a cluster admin, you can create a global OAuth client in your OpenShift cluster creating a new OAuthClient object using the API:

$ oc create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: OAuthClient
secret: <OAUTH_SECRET>

Service Accounts as OAuth Clients

As a project member, you can use the Service Accounts as OAuth Clients scenario. This gives you the possibility of defining clients associated with service accounts. You just need to create the service account with the proper annotations:

$ oc create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: <name>
  annotations: '<OUAUTH_CALLBACK_URL>'

In this scenario your OAUTH_CLIENT_ID will be system:serviceaccount:<serviceaccount_namespace>:<serviceaccount_name>, the OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET is the API token of the service account (oc sa get-token <serviceaccount_name>) and the OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL is the value of the annotation More details can be found in the upstream documentation.


Okpy is an auto-grading tool that is widely used in UC Berkeley EECS and Data Science courses. This authenticator enhances its support for Jupyter Notebook by enabling students to authenticate with the Hub first and saving relevant user states to the env (the feature is redacted until a secure state saving mechanism is developed).


If you want to authenticate your Hub using OkpyAuthenticator, you need to specify the authenticator class in your file:

from oauthenticator.okpy import OkpyOAuthenticator
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = OkpyOAuthenticator

and set your OAUTH_ environment variables.

Globus Setup

Visit to set up your app. Ensure Native App is unchecked and make sure the callback URL looks like:


Set scopes for authorization and transfer. The defaults include:

openid profile

Set the above settings in your jupyterhub_config:

# Tell JupyterHub to create system accounts
from oauthenticator.globus import LocalGlobusOAuthenticator
c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = LocalGlobusOAuthenticator
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.enable_auth_state = True
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.oauth_callback_url = 'https://[your-host]/hub/oauth_callback'
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.client_id = '[your app client id]'
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.client_secret = '[your app client secret]'

Alternatively you can set env variables for the following: OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL, OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, and OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET. Setting JUPYTERHUB_CRYPT_KEY is required, and can be generated with OpenSSL: openssl rand -hex 32

You are all set by this point! Be sure to check below for tweaking settings related to User Identity, Transfer, and additional security.

User Identity

By default, all users are restricted to their Globus IDs ([email protected]) with the default Jupyterhub config:

c.GlobusOAuthenticator.identity_provider = ''

If you want to use a Linked Identity such as [email protected], go to your App Developer page and set Required Identity Provider for your app to <Your University>, and set the following in the config:

c.GlobusOAuthenticator.identity_provider = ''

Globus Scopes and Transfer

The default configuration will automatically setup user environments with tokens, allowing them to start up python notebooks and initiate Globus Transfers. If you want to transfer data onto your JupyterHub server, it's suggested you install Globus Connect Server and add the globus_local_endpoint uuid below. If you want to change other behavior, you can modify the defaults below:

# Allow Refresh Tokens in user notebooks. Disallow these for increased security,
# allow them for better usability.
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.allow_refresh_tokens = True
# Default scopes are below if unspecified. Add a custom transfer server if you have one.
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.scope = ['openid', 'profile', '']
# Default tokens excluded from being passed into the spawner environment
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.exclude = ['']
# If the JupyterHub server is an endpoint, for convenience the endpoint id can be
# set here. It will show up in the notebook kernel for all users as 'GLOBUS_LOCAL_ENDPOINT'.
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.globus_local_endpoint = '<Your Local JupyterHub UUID>'
# Set a custom logout URL for your identity provider
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.logout_redirect_url = ''
# For added security, revoke all service tokens when users logout. (Note: users must start
# a new server to get fresh tokens, logging out does not shut it down by default)
c.LocalGlobusOAuthenticator.revoke_tokens_on_logout = False

If you only want to authenticate users with their Globus IDs but don't want to allow them to do transfers, you can remove Conversely, you can add an additional scope for another transfer server if you wish.

Use c.GlobusOAuthenticator.exclude to prevent tokens from being passed into a users environment. By default, is excluded but is allowed. If you want to disable transfers, modify c.GlobusOAuthenticator.scope instead of c.GlobusOAuthenticator.exclude to avoid procuring unnecessary tokens.


GitHub OAuth + JupyterHub Authenticator = OAuthenticator







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