This site is built using Vitepress
To run this on your system follow the following steps:
git clone
node --version
npm --version
If not, install it using the appropriate installer from Node.js and npm.
npm i
npm run docs:build
npm run docs:dev
| Note: The Configuration of the navbar, sidebar, title social links, sidebar etc are present in docs/.vitepress/config.mjs
| Note: The markdown files are present in docs
| The deploy.yml file is used for deploying the site on github pages
| package.json contains the scripts for building and running the site and also the homepage of the site
| The site is deployed on HW Lab NITC
In the docs folder, the file contains the main page of the site and the other markdown files contains other content of the site.
The site is split between 2 folders:
- Verilog
In MIPS, contains the main page of the MIPS section and the other markdown files contain the content of the MIPS section.
In Verilog, contains the main page of the Verilog section and the other markdown files contain the content of the Verilog section.