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#monasca-api Installs the monasca-api part of the Monasca project.


  • api_region
  • influxdb_url
  • influxdb_user
  • influxdb_password
  • kafka_hosts - comma separated list of host:port combinations
  • keystone_host
  • keystone_admin
  • keystone_admin_password
  • hibernate_support_enabled - Hibernate is used for DB connection if set for true. MySql with raw queries is used when flag set to false.
  • database_host - SSL will be used if available
  • database_user
  • database_password
  • zookeeper_hosts - comma separated list of host:port combinations

##Optional parameters

  • keystone_admin_token - defaults to empty value
  • keystone_admin_project - defaults to empty value
  • monasca_api_client_port - the port the API listens on, default is 8070
  • monasca_api_bind_host - if set, the port the API listens on is bound to this host or ip address
  • monasca_admin_client_port - the port the admin connector listens on, default is 8081
  • monasca_api_admin_bind_host - if set, the port the admin connector listens on is bound to this host or ip address
  • monasca_log_level - Log level for the API log. Default to WARN
  • monasca_wait_for_period - The time in seconds for how long to wait for API's port to be available after starting it. Default is 10 seconds.
  • run_mode - One of Deploy, Stop, Install, Start, or Use. The default is Deploy which will do Install, Configure, then Start.

There is a truststore used by the application for any certificate authorities that must be trusted. Additionally there is a client keystore for any ssl keys needed for client authentication. Most importantly there is a standard keystore used for serving the api via ssl.

  • monasca_api_keystore - The remote location to place the keystore. If this is defined SSL will be enabled for the API.
  • monasca_api_keystore_src - The local location to copy the keystore from.
  • monasca_api_keystore_password
  • monasca_api_truststore - The remote location to place the truststore. Generally a truststore is needed for the keystone SSL CA.
  • monasca_api_truststore_src - The local location to copy the truststore from.
  • monasca_api_truststore_password
  • monasca_api_client_keystore - The remote location to place the client keystore.
  • monasca_api_client_keystore_src - The local location to copy the client keystore from.
  • monasca_api_client_keystore_password

The keystore and truststore's are jks files and created by command such as these examples:

# Change from pem to pkcs12 format
openssl pkcs12 -export -in orig.pem -inkey orig.key -out new.p12 -name fqdn -chain -CAfile cacert.pem -password pass:password
# Create the jks keystore
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass password -destkeystore ./keystore.jks -srckeystore new.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass password

##Example Playbook

hosts: monasca
sudo: yes
  - {role: tkuhlman.monasca-api,
     influxdb_user: "{{api_influxdb_user}}",
     influxdb_password: "{{api_influxdb_password}}",
     mysql_user: "{{api_mysql_user}}",
     mysql_password: "{{api_mysql_password}}",
     tags: [api]}

##Running with Vertica

To run with vertica you must pass in the change the variable database_type to vertica in defaults or add it in the call to the role. You can also pass in the url of your vertica database and the username/password for the monasca-api. These do default to values if not passed in. Setting the username and password would talk the form of:

  - username: mon_api
    password: password
    role: monasca_api

##License Apache

##Author Information Tim Kuhlman Monasca Team email [email protected]