Are you bored creating the same files again, again and again? Like DuckController, DuckView, DuckControllerTest, templates/duck/? So PhoenixUp is for you!
PhoenixUp provides a set of extra generators for develop Phoenix projects faster:
phx_up.gen.controller Some.ControllerName some_action another_action
phx_up.gen.view Some.ViewName
phx_up.gen.controller_view Some.ControllerViewName some_action another_action
phx_up.gen.template some/template/path
phx_up.gen.controller_view_template Some.ControllerName some_action another_action
phx_up.gen.module Some.ModuleName
phx_up.gen.web_module Some.WebModuleName
phx_up.gen.plug Some.PlugName
All the files generated come with the corresponding test file.
All generators has its deletion version:
phx_up.del.controller Some.ControllerName
phx_up.del.view Some.ViewName
phx_up.del.controller_view Some.ControllerViewName
phx_up.del.template some/template/path
phx_up.del.controller_view_template Some.ControllerName
phx_up.del.module Some.ModuleName
phx_up.del.web_module Some.WebModuleName
phx_up.del.plug Some.PlugName
You can find more in-depth documentation here.
I hope you enjoy!
The package can be installed by adding phoenix_up
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:phoenix_up, "~> 0.2.7", only: :dev}
PhoenixUp is not only for me, but for the Elixir community.
I'm totally open to new ideas. Fork, open issues and feel free to contribute with no bureaucracy. We only need to keep some patterns to maintain an organization:
your_branch_name or your-branch-name
[your_branch_name] Your commit or [your-branch-name] Your commit