Hi, there! My name is Hector Morales and I'm a Software Engineer from Monterrey, Mexico. I currently work at Microsoft, in the Identity Auth SDK team. We focus on providing developers with the tools they need to enable their applications to securley and efficiently access protected resources on behalf of their users.
Professionally, I'm interested in security, back-end web development and Open Source software. Personally, I have a wide variety of active interests and hobbiers. Among these are my interest in literature (both reading and writing), art (drawing, watercolor, ink art) and philosophy.
I maintain a bilingual blog, the Technical Boy Blog, where I've mostly published essays on topics I find philosophically interesting. I'm currently working on developing the technical and software/programming-focused aspect of the blog, where I aim to provide other developers with some insights and interesting concepts and ideas I come across in my professional experience.
- Ruby | Ruby on Rails
- JavaScript | TypeScript | Node JS | React JS