A Real Time Multiplayer Quiz Application built using Node.js, Express, Mongoose, Socket.io & Passport.
$npm install
$node server.js
By defult this game is played between two players and for five rounds.
Change the defaults in file app/database/schemas/room.js
By default each question has an answering time of 10 seconds.
Change this delay(TIME_INTERVAL) in file app/socket/index.js
- Register/Loign into the game.
- Checkout the list of available rooms or create your own.
- Once the room is full, game automatically starts.
- Submit your answers to a simple quiz.
- Every correct answer will gain you 3 points, you loose 1 point for an incorrect answer. No points if no answer provided. You cannot attempt multiple answers for a question.
- When all rounds are completed, auto redirects to room list page.
Have Fun!