Unreal engine plugins for communication with Thingworx and Thingsboard IoT platforms.
The plugins can be used with both C++ projects and Blueprint only projects (however I could not package Blueprint only project)
To install the plugin for Blueprint project, you have to copy the plugin folder into the Engine folder - the path is most likely to be C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_4.XX/Engine/Plugins/Runtime/
- Create a "Plugins" folder in the project folder (the root folder where you have Visual Studio and UPROJECT files).
- Copy the plugin into the Plugins folder
You might need to enable plugins, it can be done in the same way as you would enable any other marketplace stuff: 1. In the UE editor go "Edit->Plugins". 2. You should see all the installed plugins and Thingworx/Thingsboard among them.
Create a Blueprint Actor and add Thingsboard/Thingworx component. In the component parameters you can change base url, device id,
measurements you want to get and username/password to access the measurements.
In oder to get the measurements you can use "Get Measurements Array" function, which returns array of structures. Each structure containes
{Measurement name : Value} pair. You can iterate over all measurements with "For Each Loop". The measurements in the array should be in the
same order you specified them in the component's parameters.