My name is Gustavo Inacio and I'm a computer scientist and software engineer. Here you can check out my portifolio and the projects I've build in the past.
To help you with the exploration, these are some points that may interest you:
- 🛠️ Computer Science: Algorithms, Data structures, Concurrent Programming, etc.
- 🏗️ Projects: Programming Languages, Databases, Authentication, Backend and Frontend, Monorepos.
- 🔗 Blockchain: Blockchain projects from Smart Contracts to Frontend and Backend.
- 🏢 Infrastructure and DevOps: Modules, Scripts and Real world infrastructures maintained by me
A few more information:
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Rust programming language and I'm loving it.
- 📫 How to reach me: 💼Linkedin or 💬Discord (GustavoInacio#6940)
- ⚡ Fun fact: I used to play League of Legends in my free time, I like to play as an ADC