A localization dictionary for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.0 and later that uses Canadian english. For instance, a 'meter' is a measuring device while a 'metre' is the SI unit of length. Requires the SwitchLanguage plugin from the KSP Community Localization Project:
There are also some flags for kerbalized Canadian entities, and agencies for many of these flags. Thrimm Aerospace is also represented here courtesy of Mark Thrimm and his excellent single-stage-to-orbit aircraft examples.
Licensed CC-BY-SA-4.0. Includes parodies of real life companies; no representation of these companies is intended. SwitchLanguage included from KSP Localization Project, MIT License.
Installation instructions:
Copy the contents of KanadianDictionary and SwitchLanguage to your GameData folder. If some Canadian strings don't appear, include Module Manager and restart KSP once or twice.