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Cucumber HTTP steps for Go

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This module implements HTTP-related step definitions for


Local Client

Local and remote services can be tested with client request configuration and response expectations.

Client does not attempt to limit concurrency of multiple godog scenarios, it is expected that either the service is capable to process multiple scenarios simultaneously, or scenarios are synchronized explicitly.

Request Setup

When I request HTTP endpoint with method "GET" and URI "/get-something?foo=bar"

In request configuration steps you can specify name of the service to apply configuration. If service name is omitted, default service (with URL passed to NewLocalClient) is used:

  • request HTTP endpoint - default service,
  • request "some-service" HTTP endpoint - service named some-service.

Named services have to be explicitly added with their base URLs before running tests.

When I request "some-service" HTTP endpoint with method "GET" and URI "/get-something?foo=bar"

An additional header can be supplied. For multiple headers, call step multiple times.

And I request HTTP endpoint with header "X-Foo: bar"
And I request "some-service" HTTP endpoint with header "X-Foo: bar"

Or use table of values.

And I request "some-service" HTTP endpoint with headers
  | X-Foo | foo |
  | X-Bar | 123 |

An additional cookie can be supplied. For multiple cookies, call step multiple times.

And I request HTTP endpoint with cookie "name: value"
And I request "some-service" HTTP endpoint with cookie "name: value"

Or use table of values.

And I request "some-service" HTTP endpoint with cookies
  | cfoo | foo |
  | cbar | 123 |

Optionally request body can be configured. If body is a valid JSON5 payload, it will be converted to JSON before use. Otherwise, body is used as is.

And I request HTTP endpoint with body
  // JSON5 comments are allowed.

Request body can be provided from file.

And I request HTTP endpoint with body from file

Request body can be defined as form data.

And I request "some-service" HTTP endpoint with urlencoded form data
  | ffoo | abc |
  | fbar | 123 |
  | fbar | 456 |

By default, redirects are not followed. This behavior can be changed.

And I follow redirects from HTTP endpoint
And I follow redirects from "some-service" HTTP endpoint

If endpoint is capable of handling duplicated requests, you can check it for idempotency. This would send multiple requests simultaneously and check

  • if all responses are similar or (all successful like GET)
  • if responses can be grouped into exactly ONE response of a kind and OTHER responses of another kind (one successful, other failed like with POST).

Number of requests can be configured with Local.ConcurrencyLevel, default value is 10.

And I concurrently request idempotent HTTP endpoint

Or for a named service.

And I concurrently request idempotent "some-service" HTTP endpoint

In case of flakyness or async operation you can use retries to improve resiliency. Retry limit should be configured before any response expectations. Only first response expectation is used as a condition for retry, so checking status code might be a good idea. Retry limit can be a number of retries (e.g. 1 time or 5 times) or maximum elapsed duration in time.Duration format (e.g. 5s or 10m).

By default, exponential backoff is used, but it is possible to implement your own strategy with (*LocalClient).RetryBackOff.

    And I retry "some-service" HTTP request up to 120s
    # And I retry "some-service" HTTP request up to 5 times
    # And I retry "some-service" HTTP request up to 1 time

Response Expectations

Response expectation has to be configured with at least one step about status, response body or other responses body ( idempotency mode).

If response body is a valid JSON5 payload, it is converted to JSON before use.

JSON bodies are compared with assertjson which allows ignoring differences when expected value is set to "<ignore-diff>".

And I should have response with body
And I should have response with body from file

Instead of ignoring particular fields, you can match only specific fields.

And I should have response with body, that matches JSON
And I should have response with body, that matches JSON from file

Another flavour of JSON matching is to match only specific fields with JSON Path notation.

    # Body can be asserted with JSON path expressions table,
    # where first column is JSON path expression and second column is expected JSON value.
    # It is also possible to capture/assert variable values (see "$dyn").
    And I should have "some-service" response with body, that matches JSON paths
    | $.*.some | ["json"] |
    | $[0].dyn | "$dyn"   |
Status can be defined with either phrase or numeric code.

Then I should have response with status "OK"
Then I should have response with status "204"

And I should have other responses with status "Not Found"

In an idempotent mode you can check other responses.

And I should have other responses with body
And I should have other responses with body from file

Optionally response headers can be asserted.

Then I should have response with header "Content-Type: application/json"

And I should have other responses with header "Content-Type: text/plain"
And I should have other responses with header "X-Header: abc"

Header can be checked using a table.

And I should have "some-service" response with headers
  | Content-Type | application/json |
  | X-Baz        | abc              |

You can set expectations for named service by adding service name before response or other responses:

  • have response - default,
  • have other responses - default,
  • have "some-service" response - service named some-service,
  • have "some-service" other responses - service named some-service.

External Server

External Server mock creates an HTTP server for each of registered services and allows control of expected requests and responses with gherkin steps.

It is useful describe behavior of HTTP endpoints that are called by the app during test (e.g. 3rd party APIs).

Please note, due to centralized nature of these mocks they can not be used concurrently by different scenarios. If multiple scenarios configure a shared service, they will be locked in a sync sequence. It is safe to use concurrent scenarios.

In simple case you can define expected URL and response.

Given "some-service" receives "GET" request "/get-something?foo=bar"

And "some-service" responds with status "OK" and body

Or request with body.

And "another-service" receives "POST" request "/post-something" with body
// Could be a JSON5 too.

Request with body from a file.

And "another-service" receives "POST" request "/post-something" with body from file

Request can expect to have a header.

And "some-service" request includes header "X-Foo: bar"

By default, each configured request is expected to be received 1 time. This can be changed to a different number.

And "some-service" request is received 1234 times

Or to be unlimited.

And "some-service" request is received several times

By default, requests are expected in same sequential order as they are defined. If there is no stable order you can have an async expectation. Async requests are expected in any order.

And "some-service" request is async

Response may have a header.

And "some-service" response includes header "X-Bar: foo"

Response must have a status.

And "some-service" responds with status "OK"

Response may also have a body.

And "some-service" responds with status "OK" and body
And "another-service" responds with status "200" and body from file

Dynamic Variables

When data is not known in advance, but can be inferred from previous steps, you can use dynamic variables.

See also steps to manage variables:

Here is an example where value from response of one step is used in request of another step.

  Scenario: Creating user and making an order
    When I request HTTP endpoint with method "POST" and URI "/user"

    And I request HTTP endpoint with body
    {"name": "John Doe"}

    # Undefined variable infers its value from the actual data on first encounter.
    Then I should have response with body
      // Capturing dynamic user id as $user_id variable.
     "name": "John Doe",
     // Ignoring other dynamic values.
     "created_at":"<ignore-diff>","updated_at": "<ignore-diff>"

    # Creating an order for that user with $user_id.
    When I request HTTP endpoint with method "POST" and URI "/order"

    And I request HTTP endpoint with body
      // Replacing with the value of a variable captured previously.
      "user_id": "$user_id",
      "item_name": "Watermelon"
    # Variable interpolation works also with body from file.

    Then I should have response with body
     "created_at":"<ignore-diff>","updated_at": "<ignore-diff>",
     "prefixed_user_id": "static_prefix::$user_id"

    # Instead of ignoring fields with "<ignore-diff>" you can also match against a reduced JSON.
    # All fields that are not present in the expected JSON are ignored.
    # Step below is equivalent to the previous one.
    And I should have response with body, that matches JSON
     "prefixed_user_id": "static_prefix::$user_id"

Example Feature

Feature: Example

  Scenario: Successful GET Request
    Given "template-service" receives "GET" request "/template/hello"

    And "template-service" responds with status "OK" and body
    Hello, %s!

    When I request HTTP endpoint with method "GET" and URI "/?name=Jane"

    Then I should have response with status "OK"

    And I should have response with body
    Hello, Jane!