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htmlDream Builder edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the gobble wiki!

If you're new to Gobble, here's what you need to know:

  • Gobble is a build tool - it takes your source files, and turns them into a set of output files. To understand what build tools are and what the motivations were for creating Gobble, see Why another build tool?
  • You'll need to install gobble-cli - npm install -g gobble-cli or npm install --save-dev gobble
  • Your project should have a 'build definition' file called gobblefile.js. See How to write a gobblefile to get started.

To find plugins, search npm:

If you're experiencing problems, check the Troubleshooting page or raise an issue. Once you've got to grips with Gobble, see these pages for advanced users:

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