This is POC application to demonstrate on how can we run the job that will monitor and manipulate pods in a Kubernetes cluster.
You will need
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3.1.3
- Kubernetes client 15.0.1
- Spring Boot's Quartz
- Spring Boot's Webflux
- Setup a Kubernetes environment
- Create docker registry secret by replacing the credential and running the command:
kubectl create secret docker-registry gcm-k3s-secret \ \
--docker-username=DOCKER_USER \
- Deploy Edge
- Copy and update kubernetes/edge.yaml. Replace environment variables and docker image to use.
- Then run
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/edge.yaml
- Running locally
- Run JobExecutorPocApplication class in InteliJ IDE or run below command.
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- Running in Kubernetes cluster
- Build and push docker image
# build docker image ./mvnw spring-boot:build-image # tag docker image docker tag job-executor-poc:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT glennmorales/job-executor-poc:1 # push docker image docker push glennmorales/job-executor-poc:1
- Deploy the app (for AWS EC2, below commands might require admin privileges )
#create app service account kubectl apply -f kubernetes/job-executor-job-svc-accnt.yaml #deploy the app service account kubectl apply -f kubernetes/job-executor-poc.yaml
- Ensure the pods are running by executing below commands
kubectl get pods
Once the app is running, it should display the pods and its status in the logs
kubectl logs -f [POD_NAME]
then it should something like this every N seconds ...
Listing available pods ... Pod Name: job-executor-poc-dp-866676dbfd-blp2c Status: Running Pod Name: edge-deployment-58cbc8669c-p77n6 Status: Running
The app is consuming message from Wiremock UI to mimic request from EdgeLink for updating and scaling cluster instances. WireMock URl: Request Name: Update Pods
- To scale Edge, set requestType to "scale" and numberOfInstance for the number of instances. Save the request.
{ "requestId": 1, "requestType": "scale", "numberOfInstance": 1, "image": "glennmorales/testsr15:gcm-SR-15-0-25-2-4825" }
logs should show if the number of instance got change. Or verify it by running
kubectl get pods
Scaling pods to 1 instance ... Successfully scaled edge App to 1 number of instance
- To update Edge, set requestType to "updateImage" and image for the new image name to use. Save the request.
{ "requestId": 1, "requestType": "updateImage", "numberOfInstance": 1, "image": "glennmorales/testsr15:gcm-SR-15-0-25-2-4825" }
logs should show if the number of instance got change. Or verify it by running
kubectl get pods
, it should bring down the old pods and create new ones using the new imageChanging app image to glennmorales/testsr15:gcm-SR-15-0-25-2-4825 ... Successfully changed edge app image to glennmorales/testsr15:gcm-SR-15-0-25-2-4825
Setup dashboard for monitoring. see guide here ->