My own OS written in Rust
sudo apt install qemu-kvm
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup override set nightly
cargo install bootimage
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
- Bump Allocator: grows in the same direction once all allocated blocks are deallocated, reset memory.
- Linked List Allocator: freed blocks with at least 16 bytes are put in a linked list. Reutilizes suitable blocks. (obs: if you deallocate 8 bytes, those are lots until all references are deallocated and memory is reset like in bump allocator)
There is a naïve task scheduler at /src/task/
. Tasks can be spawned after executor starts run
ing. Tasks are not processes. They don't have their own contexes or memory.
Currently implementing context switching.
- VGA printing queue with daemon job. If can't lock vga, add it to queue.
- UEFI over BIOS
- HDMI or DisplayPort over VGA
- Process scheduling (requirements??)
- context switching
- MLFQ with configurable parameters