redirector of KAFKA or RocketMQ. the message will be consumed from MQ then sent to endpoint by HTTP protocol.
This is mq-handler annotation add for class TopicHandler.
This is topic register which bind to MQ(KAFKA or RocketMQ).
which kafka topic U want to subscribe and consume.
topic of next hup, the data will be handled and push to another topic as data-source for next endpoint.
codec of data, JSON and RAW is supported now.
which keys will be filter to check data is what U need.
what value of each key.
and or or action of key-value pairs.
such as:
if key = name, age
values = name-i-need, 18
cr = AND
the message with key name equal to 'name-i-need' adn age is 18 will be handled by TpoicHandler.
'keys + values + cr' is like to tag in RocketMQ.
public class KafkaTopicHandler {
HttpServiceImpl httpService;
private String redirectorUrl;
* Message flow:
* 1. Raw message is consumed from KAFKA topic 'topic-test-plain'.
* 2. Function 'handlePlainData' will be called with param data, do actions balabala...
* 3. Bean of 'TestItemData' is created and it's Json message will be produced to KAFKA topic 'topic-test-json'.
* Data from KAFKA topic is handled and push to another topic for other endpoint with other actions.
* @param data
* @return
@RegisterMQ(topic = "topic-test-plain", codec = "RAW", to = "topic-test-json")
public TestItemData handlePlainData(String data) {
TestData testData = new TestData();
testData.setCreateDate(new Date());
return new TestItemData(testData);
* Message flow:
* 1. Json message is consumed from KAFKA topic 'topic-test-plain'.
* 2. Function 'handleJsonData' will be called with param data, do actions balabala...
* 3. The data is sent to URL 'redirectorUrl' as HTTP protocol.
* Data from KAFKA topic is redirect to HTTP endpoint.
* @param data
* @return
@RegisterMQ(topic = "topic-test-json", codec="JSON")
public void handleJsonData(TestData data) {
System.out.println("" + data);
httpService.httpPost(redirectorUrl, JSON.toJSONString(data));