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adds data input review jn
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Nowosad committed Oct 18, 2023
1 parent 097c468 commit aff299c
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 53 deletions.
88 changes: 35 additions & 53 deletions 07-read-write-plot.qmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ After **fiona** is imported, the command `fiona.supported_drivers` can be used t

{'DXF': 'rw',
'CSV': 'raw',
Expand All @@ -325,36 +325,30 @@ fiona.supported_drivers

Other, less common, drivers can be ["activated"]( by manually supplementing `fiona.supported_drivers`.

<!--jn: selfnote to restart the review from here-->

The first argument of the **geopandas** versatile data import function `gpd.read_file` is `filename`, which is typically a string, but can also be a file connection.
The content of a string could vary between different drivers.
In most cases, as with the ESRI Shapefile (`.shp`) or the GeoPackage format (`.gpkg`), the `filename` argument would be a path or a URL to an actual file, such as `geodata.gpkg`.
The driver is automatically selected based on the file extension, as demonstrated for a `.gpkg` file below:
The driver is automatically selected based on the file extension, as demonstrated for a `.gpkg` file below.

world = gpd.read_file('data/world.gpkg')

For some drivers, such as a File Geodatabase (`OpenFileGDB`), `filename` could be provided as a folder name.

GeoJSON, a plain text format, can be read from a `.geojson` file, but also from a string:
GeoJSON, a plain text format, on the other hand, can be read from a `.geojson` file, but also from a string.


The `gpd.read_postgis` function can be used to read a vector layer from a PostGIS database.

Some vector formats, such as GeoPackage, can store multiple data layers.
By default, `gpd.read_file` automatically reads the first layer of the file specified in `filename`.
By default, `gpd.read_file` reads the first layer of the file specified in `filename`.
However, using the `layer` argument you can specify any other layer.

The `gpd.read_file` function also allows for reading just parts of the file into RAM with two possible mechanisms.
The first one is related to the `where` argument, which allows specifying what part of the data to read using an SQL `WHERE` expression.
An example below extracts data for Tanzania only (@fig-read-shp-query (a)).
It is done by specifying that we want to get all rows for which `name_long` equals to `'Tanzania'`:
An example below extracts data for Tanzania only from the `world.gpkg` file (@fig-read-shp-query (a)).
It is done by specifying that we want to get all rows for which `name_long` equals to `'Tanzania'`.

tanzania = gpd.read_file('data/world.gpkg', where='name_long="Tanzania"')
Expand All @@ -370,35 +364,20 @@ gpd.read_file('data/world.gpkg', rows=1).columns
The second mechanism uses the `mask` argument to filter data based on intersection with an existing geometry.
This argument expects a geometry (`GeoDataFrame`, `GeoSeries`, or `shapely` geometry) representing the area where we want to extract the data.
Let's try it using a small example---we want to read polygons from our file that intersect with the buffer of 50,000 $m$ of Tanzania's borders.
To do it, we need to:

- transform the geometry to a projected CRS (such as `EPSG:32736`),
- prepare our "filter" by creating the buffer (@sec-buffers), and
- transform back to the original CRS to be used as a mask:
To do it, we need to transform the geometry to a projected CRS (such as `EPSG:32736`), prepare our "filter" by creating the buffer (@sec-buffers), and transform back to the original CRS to be used as a mask (@fig-read-shp-query (a)).

tanzania_buf = tanzania.to_crs(32736).buffer(50000).to_crs(4326)

The resulting buffered geometry is shown in @fig-tanzania-mask:

#| label: fig-tanzania-mask
#| fig-cap: Tanzania polygon buffered by 50 $km$, to by used for reading a subset of `world.gpkg` (@fig-read-shp-query (b))

Now, we can apply pass the "filter" geometry `tanzania_buf` to the `mask` argument of `gpd.read_file`:
Now, we can pass the "filter" geometry `tanzania_buf` to the `mask` argument of `gpd.read_file`.

tanzania_neigh = gpd.read_file('data/world.gpkg', mask=tanzania_buf)

Our result, shown in @fig-read-shp-query (b), contains Tanzania and every country intersecting with its 50,000 $m$ buffer.
Note that the last two expressions are used to add text labels with the `name_long` of each country, placed at the country centroid:
Note that the last two expressions are used to add text labels with the `name_long` of each country, placed at the country centroid.

#| label: fig-read-shp-query
Expand All @@ -407,27 +386,28 @@ Note that the last two expressions are used to add text labels with the `name_lo
#| fig-subcap:
#| - Using a `where` query (matching `'Tanzania'`)
#| - Using a `mask` (a geometry shown in red)
# Using 'where'
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
tanzania.plot(ax=ax, color='lightgrey', edgecolor='grey')
tanzania.apply(lambda x: ax.annotate(text=x['name_long'], xy=x.geometry.centroid.coords[0], ha='center'), axis=1);
tanzania.apply(lambda x: ax.annotate(text=x['name_long'],
xy=x.geometry.centroid.coords[0], ha='center'), axis=1);
# Using 'mask'
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
tanzania_neigh.plot(ax=ax, color='lightgrey', edgecolor='grey')
tanzania_buf.plot(ax=ax, color='none', edgecolor='red')
tanzania_neigh.apply(lambda x: ax.annotate(text=x['name_long'], xy=x.geometry.centroid.coords[0], ha='center'), axis=1);
tanzania_neigh.apply(lambda x: ax.annotate(text=x['name_long'],
xy=x.geometry.centroid.coords[0], ha='center'), axis=1);

A different, `gpd.read_postgis`, function can be used to read a vector layer from a PostGIS database.

Often we need to read CSV files (or other tabular formats) which have x and y coordinate columns, and turn them into a `GeoDataFrame` with point geometries.
To do that, we can import the file using **pandas** (e.g., using `pd.read_csv` or `pd.read_excel`), then go from `DataFrame` to `GeoDataFrame` using the `gpd.points_from_xy` function, as shown earlier in the book (See @sec-vector-layer-from-scratch and @sec-spatial-joining).
For example, the table `cycle_hire_xy.csv`, where the coordinates are stored in the `X` and `Y` columns in `EPSG:4326`, can be imported, converted to a `GeoDataFrame`, and plotted, as follows (@fig-cycle_hire_xy-layer):
For example, the table `cycle_hire_xy.csv`, where the coordinates are stored in the `X` and `Y` columns in `EPSG:4326`, can be imported, converted to a `GeoDataFrame`, and plotted, as follows (@fig-cycle_hire_xy-layer).

#| label: fig-cycle_hire_xy-layer
#| fig-cap: The `cycle_hire_xy.csv` table transformed to a point layer
cycle_hire = pd.read_csv('data/cycle_hire_xy.csv')
geom = gpd.points_from_xy(cycle_hire['X'], cycle_hire['Y'], crs=4326)
geom = gpd.GeoSeries(geom)
Expand All @@ -438,12 +418,12 @@ cycle_hire_xy.plot();
Instead of columns describing 'XY' coordinates, a single column can also contain the geometry information, not necessarily points but possible any other geometry type.
Well-known text (WKT), well-known binary (WKB), and GeoJSON are examples of formats used to encode geometry in such a column.
For instance, the `world_wkt.csv` file has a column named `'WKT'`, representing polygons of the world's countries (in WKT format).
To import and convert it to a `GeoDataFrame`, we can apply the `shapely.from_wkt` function (@sec-geometries) on the WKT strings, to convert them into `shapely` geometries (@fig-world_wkt-layer):
To import and convert it to a `GeoDataFrame`, we can apply the `shapely.from_wkt` function (@sec-geometries) on the WKT strings, to convert them into `shapely` geometries (@fig-world_wkt-layer).
<!-- jn: maybe it would be good to explain the `.apply` function here (or somewhere) -->

#| label: fig-world_wkt-layer
#| fig-cap: The `world_wkt.csv` table transformed to a polygon layer
world_wkt = pd.read_csv('data/world_wkt.csv')
world_wkt['geometry'] = world_wkt['WKT'].apply(shapely.from_wkt)
world_wkt = gpd.GeoDataFrame(world_wkt)
Expand All @@ -452,29 +432,31 @@ world_wkt.plot();

::: callout-note
Not all of the supported vector file formats store information about their coordinate reference system.
<!-- jn: what are the examples of such formats? -->
In these situations, it is possible to add the missing information using the `.set_crs` function.
Please refer also to @sec-querying-and-setting-coordinate-systems for more information.

As a final example, we will show how **geopandas** also reads KML files.
A KML file stores geographic information in XML format---a data format for the creation of web pages and the transfer of data in an application-independent way [@nolan_xml_2014].
Here, we access a KML file from the web.
First, if necessary, we may need to "activate" the `KML` driver, which isn't always available by default (just one of these expressions should be sufficient, depending on your system):
First, if necessary, we may need to "activate" the `KML` driver, which is not always available by default (just one of these expressions should be sufficient, depending on your system).

fiona.supported_drivers['KML'] = 'r'
fiona.supported_drivers['LIBKML'] = 'r'

The sample KML file `KML_Samples.kml` contains more than one layer.
To list the available layers, we can use the `fiona.listlayers` function:
To list the available layers, we can use the `fiona.listlayers` function.
<!-- jn: maybe we could introduce this function earlier, for example around this sentence: "However, using the `layer` argument you can specify any other layer." -->

u = ''

We can choose, for instance, the first layer `'Placemarks'` and read it, using `gpd.read_file` with an additional `layer` argument:
We can choose, for instance, the first layer `'Placemarks'` and read it, using `gpd.read_file` with an additional `layer` argument.

placemarks = gpd.read_file(u, layer='Placemarks')
Expand All @@ -483,9 +465,8 @@ placemarks

### Raster data {#sec-input-raster}

Similar to vector data, raster data comes in many file formats with some of them supporting multilayer files.
Similar to vector data, raster data comes in many file formats, some of which support multilayer files.
`` is used to create a file connection to a raster file, which can be subsequently used to read the metadata and/or the values, as shown previously (@sec-using-rasterio).
For example:

src ='data/srtm.tif')
Expand All @@ -497,7 +478,7 @@ However, GDAL also allows reading data directly from online resources, such as H
The only thing we need to do is to add a `/vsicurl/` or `/vsicurl_streaming/` (see [here]( prefix before the path to the file.
Let's try it by connecting to the global monthly snow probability at 500 $m$ resolution for the period 2000-2012 [@hengl_t_2021_5774954].
Snow probability for December is stored as a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file (see @sec-file-formats).
To read an online file, we need to provide its URL together with the `/vsicurl_streaming/` prefix:
To read an online file, we need to provide its URL together with the `/vsicurl_streaming/` prefix.

#| eval: false
Expand All @@ -506,18 +487,18 @@ src

In the example above `` creates a connection to the file without obtaining any values, as we did for the local `srtm.tif` file.
The values can read, into an `ndarray`, using the `.read` method of the file connection (@sec-using-rasterio).
The values can be read into an `ndarray` using the `.read` method of the file connection (@sec-using-rasterio).
Using parameters of `.read` allows us to just read a small portion of the data, without downloading the entire file.
This is very useful when working with large datasets hosted online from resource-constrained computing environments such as laptops.

For example, we can read a specified rectangular extent of the raster.
With **rasterio**, this is done using the so-called [windowed reading]( capabilities.
Note that, with windowed reading, we import just a subset of the raster extent into an `ndarray` covering any partial extent.
Windowed reading is therefore memory- (and, in this case, bandwidth-) efficient, since it avoids reading the entire raster into memory.
Windowed reading can also be considered an alternative pathway to *cropping* (@sec-raster-cropping).
It can also be considered an alternative pathway to *cropping* (@sec-raster-cropping).

To read a raster *window*, let's first define the bounding box coordinates.
For example, here we use a $10 \times 10$ degrees extent coinciding with Reykjavik:
For example, here we use a $10 \times 10$ degrees extent coinciding with Reykjavik.

#| eval: false
Expand All @@ -528,7 +509,7 @@ ymax=70

Using the extent coordinates along with the raster transformation matrix, we create a window object, using the [``]( function.
The `` function basically "translates" the extent from coordinates, to row/column ranges:
This function basically "translates" the extent from coordinates, to row/column ranges.

#| eval: false
Expand All @@ -542,7 +523,9 @@ w =

Now we can read the partial array, according to the specified window `w`, passing it to the `.read` method:
<!-- jn: why eval:false for these examples? the output is not shown... -->

Now we can read the partial array, according to the specified window `w`, by passing it to the `.read` method.

#| eval: false
Expand All @@ -551,7 +534,7 @@ r

Note that the transformation matrix of the window is not the same as that of the original raster (unless it incidentally starts from the top-left corner)!
Therefore, we must re-create the transformation matrix, with the modified origin (`xmin`,`ymax`), yet the same resolution, as follows:
Therefore, we must re-create the transformation matrix, with the modified origin (`xmin`,`ymax`), yet the same resolution, as follows.

#| eval: false
Expand All @@ -565,20 +548,19 @@ w_transform

The array `r` along with the updated transformation matrix `w_transform` comprise the partial window, which we can keep working with just like with any other raster, as shown in previous chapters.
@fig-raster-window shows the result, along with the location of Reykjavik (see below):
@fig-raster-window shows the result, along with the location of Reykjavik.

#| label: fig-raster-window
#| fig-cap: Raster window read from a remote Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) file source
#| eval: false
fig, ax = plt.subplots(), transform=w_transform, ax=ax)
gpd.GeoSeries(shapely.Point(-21.94, 64.15)).plot(ax=ax, color='red');

Another option is to extract raster values at particular points, directly from the file connection, using the `.sample` method (see @sec-spatial-subsetting-raster).
For example, we can get the snow probability for December in Reykjavik (70%) by specifying its coordinates and applying `.sample`:
For example, we can get the snow probability for December in Reykjavik (70%) by specifying its coordinates and applying `.sample`.

#| eval: false
Expand Down

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