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A wordpress plugin extending Timber with various features such as automatic template loading.


  • Woocommerce support for partial templates
  • Tailor support for partial templates
  • Widgets rendered through twig templates
  • Inherit password protection from parent pages.
  • BEM classes for Timber Menus.
  • Language Menu for WPML and PLL.
  • A debug bar panel for inspecting template suggestions.
  • Basic additions to all timber contexts (theme mods, site icon, etc).

Theme features

You need to activate the features in your theme using add_theme_support

Automatic Timber templating system

Replace the core PHP templating system with Timber and provide additional template suggestions.

To use this feature, clarify that your theme supports it with add_theme_support and then create an index.twig file in the TEMPLATEPATH location, or a location specifically added to Timber::$dirname in your theme.

add_theme_support('timber-extended-templates', [
  // Use double dashes as the template variation separator.
  // Use timber to render widgets.
  // Use timber to WooCommerce templates.
  // Use timber to Tailor templates.

Regular PHP files will still be supported but twig versions will take precedence if available. You can inspect the template suggestions for each page if you're using the Debug plugin. If the page is a tailored page, there will also exist a <type>-tailor.twig suggestion.

Depending on the type of page is being rendered, various global context variables will be available. Eg. category templates will have both term and posts available, while single posts have only a post object. In addition to these there's also template_file and template_type available.

Password inheritance from parent posts

If a post parent is password protected, so are it's children.


Additional twig extensions

Add additional twig functions and filters.

add_theme_support('timber-extended-twig-extensions', [
  // Add some core functions and filters to twig.
  // Add some contrib functions and filters to twig.
  // Add some functional programming helpers to twig.

Bundled Timber classes

  • TimberExtended\Post: Extended Timber\Post
  • TimberExtended\Term: Extended Timber\Term
  • TimberExtended\Image: Extended Timber\Image
  • TimberExtended\User: Extended Timber\User
  • TimberExtended\Widget: Widget object for ACFW or regular core widgets.
  • TimberExtended\Menu: Extended Timber\Menu adding BEM classes to menu items.
  • TimberExtended\MenuItem: Extended Timber\MenuItem adding BEM classes to menu item as well as their links.
  • TimberExtended\LanugageMenu: TimberExtended\Menu-like dummy class which contains the site languages as it's items (WPML/PLL support).

Filters API

// Modify the template suggestions
add_filter('timber_extended/templates/suggestions', function ($templates) {
  return $templates;

// Disable Twig suggestions.
add_filter('timber_extended/templates/twig', '__return_false');

// Set custom timber subclasses.
add_filter('timber_extended/class', function ($class_name, $type, $object = null) {
  switch ($type) {
    case 'post': return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Controller\\Post';
    case 'term': return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Controller\\Term';
    case 'user': return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Controller\\User';
    case 'image': return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Controller\\Image';
    case 'widget': return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Controller\\Widget';
  return $class_name;
}, 10, 3);

// Set custom Timber subclasses.
add_filter('timber_extended/{user,widget,image,post,term,menu,menuitem}/class', function ($class_name, $object = null) {
  return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\User';

add_filter('timber_extended/image/init'', function ($image) {
  $image->file_loc = '';
  return $image;