Training and evaluation is done through the file Python 3 and GPU are required to run code as is.
The code requires that you use a GPU, for the LSTM.
To make CPU compatible: the Tensorflow.keras.layers call of CuDNNLSTM should be changed to Tensorflow.keras.layers.LSTM, This will make the code run much slower on GPU
- tensorflow-gpu (1.13 tested)
- keras
- scipy
- numpy
The prosodic features used in the research paper were computed using the Mid-level prosodic feature toolkit, found here
Labels are found using spaCy (Python library). SpaCy can find whether a word is a location mention. Matlab can run python code.
Features and labels are saved into a .mat file with variables
- trainFeatures
- trainLabels
- testFeatures
- testLabels
Features are 3-dimensional of size [num. of samples, num. of timesteps, num. of features]
Labels are 2-dimensional of size [num. of samples, num. of timesteps], value 1 if location mention, 0 otherwise
- testIsSpeaking
- testIsFunctionWord
To compute the three baselines from the research paper, you'll need these 2 variables set.
Both variables resized to be 2-dimensional of size [num. of samples, num. of timesteps] with value 1 or 0
IsSpeaking is 1 if there is speech, 0 otherwise. These can be gotten from the word-aligned transcripts
IsFunctionWord is 1 if is a function word, 0 otherwise. Using word-aligned transcripts and NLTK stopword list.
There are 4 parameters that should be adjusted, depending on what the code is being used for
- train_mode
- single_track_train
- balanced_eval
- eval_other_lang
train_mode will train the model when true and do evaluation when false
single_track will use only prosodic features of speaker when true, otherwise adds interlocutor features as well
balanced_eval will evaluate on balanced dataset where half the frames are location frames, and other half are speech frames without location mentions
eval_other_lang will evaluate over data from another language, as specified in the mat_path variable
Gerardo Cervantes
Nigel G. Ward