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Runs multiple programs in parallel, shows results

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MultiBuilder is a simple tool that allows you to run a set of programs on multiple configurations (called environments in the program) at the same time. Results from programs that fail execution are presented for inspection.

Currently, MultiBuilder can be compiled for Windows.

If you are in a hurry and just need compiled binary, you can grab it here.


Execution environment consists of two parts - a configuration file defining all execution environments and a configuration file defining the project. The former containts only variables while the latter contains only commands. It is possible to use one generic environment configuration with different project configurations.


Environment definitions are stored in an INI-style configuration file with extension .mbenv. Default environment configuration file is stored in C:\Users\Public\Documents\multibuilder.mbenv. You can use a different configuration file by providing its name as a command-line parameter or by clicking the Load Environment button. Edit Environment button opens up a simple text editor where you can modify the configuration file.

Environment configuration file is split into sections. Besides the special section named Global you can define any number of sections, each describing its own environment. The following example shows environment file used for testing OmniThreadLibrary.


[Delphi 2007]

[Delphi 2009]

[Delphi 2010]

[Delphi XE]

[Delphi XE2]

[Delphi XE3]

[Delphi XE4]

[Delphi XE5]

[Delphi XE6]

[Delphi XE7]

[Delphi XE8]

[Delphi 10 Seattle]

[Delphi 10.1 Berlin]

[Delphi 10.2 Tokyo]

OmniThreadLibrary supports Delphi compilers from version 2007 to 10.2 Tokyo and this configuration file reflects that. Each environment section defines variable Path. We'll see in the section Project below how this variable is used in practice.

Special section Global defines variables that are defined for all environments. In this example it defines variables Scratch and DccFilterSwitch which are used in the project file. (For more information see Running projects below.)

Special macro $(EnvironmentName) always expands to the name of environment used to run the project. In the example above, this macro could expand to Delphi 2007, Delphi XE5, Delphi 10.1 Berlin, and so on.


Project definition is stored in an INI-style configuration file with extension .mbproj. There is no default project configuration file. You can provide it via the command-line parameter or by clicking the Load Project button. Edit Project button opens up a simple text editor where you can modify the project file.

Project configuration file is split into sections. Special section Global defines commands that are always executed. Sections with names corresponding to environment names contain commands that are only executed in that environment. If a section for specific environment doesn't exist in the project file, commands from the special Default section will be used. (For more information see Running projects below.)

Special section Filters contains filter definitions. Each filter definition is in form executable=filter parameters.

The following example shows project file used for unit-testing OmniThreadLibrary.

dcc32.exe=DccCleanup $(DccFilterSwitch)
dcc64.exe=DccCleanup $(DccFilterSwitch)

Execute=$(Path)\dcc32.exe CompileAllUnits -b -u..;..\src;..\..\fastmm -i.. -nsSystem;System.Win;Winapi;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Samples;Data;Xml -e"$(Scratch)\exe" -n0"$(Scratch)\dcu\win32" -dCONSOLE_TESTRUNNER
Execute=$(Path)\dcc32.exe TestRunner -b -u..;..\src;..\..\fastmm -i.. -nsSystem;System.Win;Winapi;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Samples;Data;Xml -e"$(Scratch)\exe" -n0"$(Scratch)\dcu\win32" -dCONSOLE_TESTRUNNER

Execute=$(Path)\dcc64.exe CompileAllUnits -b -u..;..\src;..\..\fastmm -i.. -nsSystem;System.Win;Winapi;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Samples;Data;Xml -e"$(Scratch)\exe" -n0"$(Scratch)\dcu\win64" -dCONSOLE_TESTRUNNER
Execute=$(Path)\dcc64.exe TestRunner -b -u..;..\src;..\..\fastmm -i.. -nsSystem;System.Win;Winapi;Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Samples;Data;Xml -e"$(Scratch)\exe" -n0"$(Scratch)\dcu\win64" -dCONSOLE_TESTRUNNER

[Delphi 2007]

[Delphi 2009]

[Delphi 2010]

[Delphi XE]

Following commands are supported. (For more details see Running projects below.)

ForceDir creates folders. Folders are represented by a semicolon-delimited list. Errors during folder creation are silently ignores.

WorkingDir sets base folder in which the following commands (Execute) are executed. WorkingDir must be set before the first Execute command. Failure to do so will result in an error.

Execute introduces a command that will be executed.

All other commands are ignored.

Running projects

If you click the Run All button or press the F9 key, the current project is started in all environments.

If an environment is selected and you click the Run Selected button or press the Alt+F9 key combo, the project is started in selected environment.

Each environment executes the project in its own thread. You can therefore select one project, click Run Selected, repeat that with another project and both will be executed in parallel.

In each environment the project is executed by following these steps:

  • Commands from the Global section are executed first.
  • Command from the environment-specific section are executed next. If this section is not found, the special section Default is used instead. (See example below.)
  • Commands are executed in order.
  • When ForceDir is encountered, folders are created. Errors are ignored. Command value can contain macros.
  • When WorkDir is encountered, internal variable is set to the command value. Command value can contain macros.
  • When Execute is encountered, the following steps are executed:
    • Macros in the setting are expanded. Be careful to use double-quotes at appropriate places if a macro expansion can contain a space character.
    • Program is executed in the current WorkDir directory.
    • Program output is run through a filter.
    • If program cannot be started or if it exits with a non-zero exit code, execution stops immediately.
    • Otherwise the execution continues.

For example, if we use the OmniThreadLibrary configurations mentioned above, environment Delphi 2007 would execute all commands from the Global section. As there exists a Delphi 2007 section, commands from the Default section are ignored. Delphi 2007 section contains just one setting with key Null, which is ignores. (At least one setting must be stored in a section, otherwise the information about that section is lost when configuration file is loaded.)

Environment Delphi 10.1 Berlin, on the other hand, would firstly execute all commands from the Global section, followed by all commands from the Default section.

Following command can be used to start MultiBuilder and load appropriate environment and project configurations:

Multibuilder.exe SmokeTest.mbenv SmokeTest.mbproj 


After a command (introduced with a Execute key) is executed, its output is run through a filter. MultiBuilder determines the filter to be used by using the command name (excluding a path but including the extension) as a lookup key into the Filters section of the project configuration. If an appropriate setting is found, macros in the right-hand side are expanded.

First part of the right-hand side (with blank space being a delimiter) determines the filter to be executed. Currently, only built-in filters are supported. The rest of the right-hand side represents filter parameters which are filter-specific.

Following built-in filters are implemented at the moment.


This filter removes most of the crud produced by dcc* Embarcadero compilers and leaves only lines that are interesting to the programmer.

Following parameters are supported.


This parameter (introduced with -FailOnHint or /FailOnHint) causes execution to fail if dcc compiler reported a hint.


This parameter (introduced with -FailOnWarning or /FailOnWarning) causes execution to fail if dcc compiler reported a warning. An example can be seen in OmniThreadLibrary configuration files, above.

Macro expansion

To request macro expansion, variable name must be wrapped with $( and ). For example, the following two lines from an environment configuration file define variable Scratch that refers to macro $(EnvironmentName) and special command ForceDir refers to macro $(Scratch).


For example, when running the OmniThreadLibrary project in the Delphi 2010 environment, these two settings would expand to:

Scratch=c:\0\MultiBuilder\Delphi 2010
ForceDir=c:\0\MultiBuilder\Delphi 2010\exe;c:\0\MultiBuilder\Delphi 2010\dcu;c:\0\MultiBuilder\Delphi 2010\dcu\win32;$(Scratch)\dcu\win64

A part of project configuration command -e"$(Scratch)\exe" -n0"$(Scratch)\dcu\win32" would then expand to

-e"c:\0\MultiBuilder\Delphi 2010\exe" -n0"c:\0\MultiBuilder\Delphi 2010\dcu\win32"

Except when referring to a special variable EnvironmentName, macro expander first tries to find the variable in the currently active environment section and if that fails it uses the value from the Global section.

Variables can only be defined in the environment configuration file.

User interface

MultiBuilder user interface

The list on the left contains all environments. An icon left to the environment name indicates the status of operation in this environment.

☑ Indicates that the project run without a problem.

☒ Indicates that problems were encountered.

⏵ Indicates that the project is still executing.

The editor on the right shows problems in the selected environment (Delphi 2007). Combo box at the top contains exit code [255] and program line d:\Delphi\5.0\bin\dcc32.exe CompileAllUnits .... The output of the program is shown below. Although the dcc32 compiled the program without an error, the output was passed through the DccCleanup filter with the FailOnWarning parameter which stopped the further execution because dcc32 reported one warning.


I'll gladly accept any pull request that makes this project better and more versatile. If you would like to contribute but don't know where to start, check the Issues.