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REST API for delivering happiness - hosted on AWS Lambda.

tl;dr: put URL in your application to enable your users to get their daily dose of happiness.

Use case

I wanted to have a "Enjoy your day!" wish at the footer of a web app I offer for my users. I wanted the "enjoy" word to be a link that takes the user to a random picture on the internet that brings happiness:

click gets you:

Can I too use the URL?

Yes! And don't be afraid to use it - I make the following promises:

  • The URL is the API and it won't change, or if it will the old URL will get redirected (i.e. still work)

  • The pictures will be family friendly

  • The service won't have ads, or if in the long term will have ads they will be unobtrusive text-only ads.

Adding new pictures

Generate new ID for the picture with:

$ ./happy-api new

Add new picture to cmd/happy-api/images/.

Add image attribution with $ exiftool command:

$ exiftool "-artist=" nohH.jpg

Send a pull request.

How to deploy

If for some reason you want to host your own API (you could just use the public API that we host), follow these instructions.

Deployment is easiest using our Deployer tool. You don't need it and you can upload Lambda zip and configure API gateway manually if you want.

You have to do this only for the first time:

$ mkdir deployments
$ deployer deployment-init happy-api "url_to_deployerspec.zip_in_GitHub_releases"
Wrote /home/joonas/deployments/happy-api/user-config.json

Now edit above file with your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Then do the actual deployment:

$ version="..."
$ deployer deploy happy-api "same_url_as_in_init"