This is a basic setup to run a Jupyter Notebooks (JN) in a a VSCode devcontainer
. It'll run both the Miniconda run-time environment as well as a PostgreSQL database container.
If you (re)build the container you can pass environment variables via a environment.yml*
file located in the project root. See the Dockerfile for more information.
The python module to allow for a .env
file is included in the requirements file. Either create a .env
file or rename the env.sample
file and add environment variables in the standard format:
As per usuall, add any additional python modules you need to the requirements file and rebuild the container to have the changes applied.
Finally, when rebuilding the container the Dockerfile will expect to find a tar.gz
file with the OpenShift CLI in it. You can get this from afore mentiond link. I use include it because quite allot of my work relates to MLOps for which we use OpenShift.
The licence for Miniconda (a minimial distribution of Anaconda) which is the base images for this devcontainer
can be found here.