It is adjusted for Croatian language and currency (kuna/lipa) due to specific grammar.
It might be used for some similar group of languages, changing the names of numbers.
Typical usage is in creating invoices where amount is shown as a number and as letters.
Class is working till a number of million (999999.99
). If you need a larger number, congratulation :-).
It may be adopt for a larger amounts.
Decimal point can be a point .
or a comma ,
Number shall be with two decimal points, such as 12500.55
Usage is simple.
If we called a class: Class_brojuslova.php
, code for creating an object can be as followed:
require_once 'Class_brojuslova.php';
$a = 500;
$obj = new Class_brojuslova.php();
$number_letters = $obj->upravljac($a);
echo number_letters; // print: petstokuna
If you use a framework, example for CodeIgniter within some controller method would be as following (the class would live in a library section):
// initialization of class class_brojuslova from a library
$brojzaslova = "500.35";
// conversion of number in a letter
$data['sumslovima'] = $this->class_brojuslova->upravljac($brojzaslova);