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Style Guide

Shruti Agarwal edited this page Aug 17, 2021 · 2 revisions

We are following the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide for the FOSSology UI project.

ESlint (a pluggable and configurable linter tool) and Prettier (an opinionated code formatter) are used to enforce the style guide.

Coding Conventions

  • All files using JSX syntax should have .jsx extension.

  • Use Pascal case for naming React components.

  • Use Camel case for the function name and variable name.

  • Prefer using default export.

  • Prefer using arrow functions.

  • Prefer using .then and .catch instead of async and await.

  • Prefer using functional components.

  • Avoid using PropTypes.array or PropTypes.object. Instead use PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string) or PropTypes.shape({id: PropTypes.number}) respectively.

General Naming Convention

In the code and documentation prefer using non-offensive terminology, for example:

  • allowlist / denylist (instead of whitelist / blacklist).
  • primary / replica (instead of master / slave).
  • openbox / closedbox (instead of whitebox / blackbox).

Before making any pull request one should:

  • Run yarn fix:all to fix all auto fixable errors and warnings.

  • Run yarn test to run all react tests.

  • Ensure that your commit contains a Signed-off-by line, also known as the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).

  • Ensure that you have added your name and email in the license headers of all the files that you have modified.

Getting Started



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